townhouse along the Yanqi Lake
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 116㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-10-18    Completion Date : 2022-10-18
  • 设计师 : 王超   Designer : Chao Wang
  • 摄影 : 本末堂   Photographer : benmostudio
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NNS DESIGN 纳沃设计   Official Name : NNS DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 :
townhouse along the Yanqi Lake  水岸雁栖洋房
This case is located on the bank of Huairou Yanqi Lake in Beijing, where the wind is gentle, the lake is calm and the autumn shadows are horizontal, and the water is clear and the sky is blue with the sound of geese. The harmonious melody of light and shadow is played every moment. It represents an attitude towards life, as the hustle and bustle fades away and the desire to pursue a comfortable and peaceful environment. The spatial language is exquisite but pure, showcasing the pursuit and enjoyment of life through details. While living, one also feels the magical transformation of nature. Grass and low trees cling to it, like guardians, whispering softly. The distant mountains quietly blend into the sky, and the lake ripples as if telling an ancient story. The two walls of the living room echo the gentle curves, and when you step barefoot on the warm floor, you can smell the fragrance of grass and trees, gently caress the texture of the wall, making it warm and peaceful. The metal layers are neatly embedded on the wooden wall, showcasing a clean and neat aesthetic. These objects come from far and wide, witnessing the owner's journey after journey. Here, you can release everything, enjoy your own peaceful moments, and feel the beauty and magic of nature. The space that can touch the heart is no longer just a material existence, but a power that can evoke emotional resonance in the depths of the heart, allowing people to find a peaceful and pure land in the noisy world.