Lingshui Linhai Holiday Villa, Hainan Island
  • 城市 : 三亚陵水自治县   City : Sanya Lingshui Autonomous County
  • 面积 : 460㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-20    Completion Date : 2021-06-20
  • 设计师 : 王梦然   Designer : Joyce
  • 摄影 : 梵几   Photographer : FNJI
  • 官网/公众号 : RESOLUTE空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : RESOLUTE space design
Lingshui Linhai Holiday Villa, Hainan Island  海南岛陵水临海度假别墅
城市的梦想不只是高楼大厦,十分认可“生野安室”的生活、设计美学的业主与润舍纳图“成为美好生活的题案者”设计理念一拍即合。一路向南,来到北纬18°海南陵水,客户的安室就坐落在此。 不管她是度假小屋,还是城市之家,较强的包容性都是我们在不同风格中的新尝试,去呈现出的综合的感官体验更是我们共同想表达的。独特的空间联系可以让一个项目更有意义,而不单是功能和使用上的满足。 如何再进一步让使用者有机会在空间中去思考、划分、定义空间、用逻辑组织空间,打造富有趣味与个性的日常生活场地。 设计师将460㎡的方形空间,划分为“动”“乐”“院”“林”“憩”“眠”六个板块,满足三代同堂,四位老人,夫妻二人及两位小朋友的避世之屋。院至而归,动静相宜,乐相随,林中小憩,愉悦而至,安能入眠。
The dream of the city is not just a high-rise building. It is very much recognized that the owner of the life of Shengye An Room,the design aesthetics and Runshenatu's design concept of "becoming the subject of a better life" coincided immediately.All the way south,to Hainan Lingshui, 18° north latitude,the customer's safe room is located here. Whether she is a holiday cottage or a city home, strong inclusiveness is our new attempt in different styles, and the comprehensive sensory experience we want to express together. Unique spatial connections can make a project more meaningful, not just functional and use satisfaction. How to further give users the opportunity to think, divide, define space, organize space logically in the space,and create an interesting and personalized daily life venue. The designer divides the square space of 460m2 into six sections: "dynamic", "le", "courtyard", "forest", "rest", "sleep", to meet the safe house of three generations, four elderly people, husband and wife and two children. When the courtyard comes,it is suitable for movement and movement, happiness follows, takes a nap in the forest, comes happily, and can fall asleep safely.