EOSO Hotel
  • 城市 : 秦皇岛市   City : Qinhuangdao
  • 面积 : 1200㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2023-05-20    Completion Date : 2023-05-20
  • 设计师 : 青山周平   Designer : Shuhei Aoyama
  • 摄影 : EOSO雲頌酒店   Photographer : EOSO Hotel
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所   Official Name : B.L.U.E. Architecture studio
  • 官网/公众号 : www.b-l-u-e.net
EOSO Hotel  EOSO雲頌酒店
位于阿那亚滨海一线核心地带,EOSO雲頌酒店是由新生代建筑设计师青山周平主持设计,仅12间客房的精品隐世酒店。庭院、观海泳池休憩区、12间各具一格的客房、丰富的大师设计家具及众多主人长期收罗并细致展呈的艺术藏品交融,共同诠释着艺术、隐世和家的定义。 「EOSO雲頌酒店」旨在构筑一座纯粹、从容、优雅、舒缓身心、重识自我的海岸静邸,同时也是一座凭借深厚的艺术美学内涵和绮丽自然场景,助力知趣相投之仕尽享相聚、分享、交流之乐,激发思考、感言和灵感的美学会客厅。
EOSO Hotel located in the heart of the Aranya community, designed by the architect Shuhei Aoyama. With only 12 uniquely crafted guest rooms, this tranquil sanctuary harmoniously blends art, seclusion, and the essence of home. The hotel's serene courtyard, ocean-view relaxation area with a swimming pool, meticulously curated master designer furniture, and a vast collection of art treasures collected by the owners, collectively embody the definition of art, seclusion, and home. EOSO Hotel aims to create a pure, serene, elegant, and mind-soothing seaside retreat, where guests can rediscover themselves. It is also a place where like-minded individuals can gather, share, and exchange ideas, while being immersed in profound artistic aesthetics and mesmerizing natural scenery.