fitness Club of Yongwei Shangheyuan in Zhengzhou
  • 城市 : 郑州   City : Zhengzhou
  • 面积 : 3008㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-07-02    Completion Date : 2022-07-02
  • 设计师 : 吕永中   Designer : Lv Yongzhong
  • 摄影 : 吴永长   Photographer : Wu Yongchang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 吕永中设计事务所   Official Name : Lv Yongzhong & Associates
  • 官网/公众号 :
fitness Club of Yongwei Shangheyuan in Zhengzhou  郑州永威上和院健身会所
“我一直想营造一个庭院 把建筑的景观,包括理念 往生活里面延续 它是你真正的朋友 安安静静在你旁边 当你需要它,它就会出来 我一直把空间看成有灵魂的存在。” —— 吕永中 宁静的潭水映照月光,她隐约地,就在远方。 当我们沿着阡陌山墙走进,天光树影,似乎听到戏水声……所谓诗意,就是一种关于“抚物而忘我”的状态。很难遇到这样的健身会所,如此的“出世”,似乎可以忘掉烦忧,尽情地进入自我状态。当挥洒完汗水,倏然又见邻里朋友都在,悠然自得。 这处果然是,一片洞天
Proposition - Poetic dwelling health community In 2016, in the afternoon square of Venice, Lv Yongzhong and the owner discussed a topic in the sun: "Do we need a swimming pool in our community?" Most people worry about the great effort required to build and operate, but Lv Yongzhong insists: Is it possible to provide such challenging facilities that can truly reflect the quality of service? The swimming pool envisaged in the discussion is located in the Yongwei Shangheyuan in the Northern Longhu area of Zhengzhou, which is regarded as the new core of the Central Plains. Lv Yongzhong advised on some of the planning of Shangheyuan early on, and after its completion, designed the public area for the entrance lobby, two model homes and an underground garage area. Early and continuous participation of designers enable the concept to extend and unify in different areas, create clearer ideas. Shangheyuan temperament elegant, quiet atmosphere; The fitness and recreation space is lively and dynamic, and the integration of the two is the primary proposition of the fitness club project. Lv Yongzhong believes that a good property will definitely treat the occupants as the most important friends and establish a kind of dependency, which is the real residential value: "Shangheyuan is bookish and restrained, and I hope to continue this temperament, and the facilities are more natural and comfortable, provide a stable relationship, accommodate the communication of residents, and can be poetically inhabited." We want to incorporate that into the community fitness club."