Breathing House
  • 城市 : 深圳市   City : SHENZHEN
  • 面积 : 400平米   Area : 400m2
  • 完成日期 : 2022-07-30    Completion Date : 2022-07-30
  • 设计师 : 关佳彦   Designer : Yoshihiko Seki
  • 摄影 : Eiichi Kano
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : KiKi建筑设计事务所   Official Name : KiKi ARCHi
  • 官网/公众号 :
Breathing House  呼吸的房子
这是一个地下1层、地上4层垂直方向细长的结构。由于是联排住宅,基本上只能从一个方向得到采光。 原建筑内部空间的公共区域基本上是黑暗的,只有每个带阳台的房间才有亮度。 另外,在蚊子多的深圳,基本上用不到室外阳台,这是一件非常可惜的事情。 我们在光线较暗的楼梯顶部开天窗使自然光照射下来,自然光再通过错层楼板结构的间隙照射进每一个空间。 此外,还弱化了首层室外院落与内部空间的边界,通过环形动线的串连,使两部分成为一个整体。 而原室外阳台,则通过在结构外缘包裹防蚊网的处理方法,将室外阳台变成半室内空间便于充分使用。同时,防蚊网作为这栋建筑表皮的新材质,改善了原来繁杂的外立面,最终将住宅整体基调做到统一。
It is long in the vertical direction with one story underground and four stories on the ground.  And due to row house style, it can have natural light only from one direction. Therefore, the common area inside the existing building was basically dark, and the brightness can be expected only in the bedrooms having a balcony. In Shenzhen, where there are many mosquitoes, these balconies were worthless unfortunately, especially for client families who like to spend time outside. With the above two negative points as a trigger, we started designing with the concept of how to enjoy or feel the outside while staying inside the house. The solution is to have natural light from the top of the darkest stairs by the top light, and take advantage of the original structure which is the skip floor to install a high side light in the living room with a high ceiling to be closer to outside. In addition, by having a circuet style circulation on the entire first floor, including the approach to the entrance, which is an outside, the boundary between the inside and outside has been eliminated. In the balcony area, a mosquito repellent mesh screens have been installed around the outer edge of the opening and it made the façade which looked complicated originally, successfully updated.