LISO Design Office
  • 城市 : 杭州   City : Hangzhou
  • 面积 : 110平   Area : 110
  • 完成日期 : 2023-09-15    Completion Date : 2023-09-15
  • 设计师 : 张恒 汪俊 蒋怡青 杨玲 胡巧萍   Designer : Heng Zhang, Jun Wang, Yiqing Jiang, Ling Yang, Qia
  • 摄影 : 池敏   Photographer : Chimin
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : LISO里所设计   Official Name : LISO DESIGN 3311 Tower A ZHIHUIZHIMEN BINJIANG DISTRICT HANGZHOU
  • 官网/公众号 : LISO里所
LISO Design Office  LISO空间设计事务所
“建筑的外在形式因功能而生,因结构而生” 本案为LISO里所位于杭州的办公室, 场地为长方盒子空间,如何合理高效利用空间, 同时营造平和松弛的办公环境,是本案的关键。 我们以建筑视角出发构建全新符合里所的空间秩序, 空间由中线切分一半为办公工位区,一半为交流讨论休闲区, 用半高隔断分割出不同空间,保持空间分区流动性及开放性, 并且解决进光面朝北带来的采光不足问题。 通过材质、结构、色调、质感各异的元素,营造出平和松弛的空间情绪。 入口空间为暗调,作为过度空间,切换由于外部带来的空间情绪。 我们在此区域做了功能的叠加 材料展示柜/展架、茶水台、沙发区、观影区 与办公区分割处增加了一个顶部 与吊灯结构上的视觉落点,通过半围合的形式, 结合功能与灯具和顶部造型的结构穿插,希望空间的垂直尺度向上延伸 吊挂系统的加入不仅链接了各个区域,增加的悬挂功能, 海报、手稿以及植物都将是吊挂的常客, 添了份空间趣味 项目提案区做了抬高处理,北望钱塘江 有极佳的视野,这也是我们选择这个场地的主要原因 当我们工作疲惫时,望着窗外车来人往 疏散压力,去除繁重 办公区 办公区用桦木板材重新设计了办公桌与收纳柜 中和了地面和墙面的灰色调 同时增加了大量的收纳空间 开放式办公区能很好的提升工作交流的效率 偶尔的头脑风暴也是必不可少 空间细节 展架可以横向也可竖向放置 展陈方式自由切换 材料柜是抽拉式柜子 材质的不同进行分类,告别杂乱和无序 吊挂系统 除了具有现实意义的功能性外 它可以是一个装置、一种陈设 营造轻盈的线性感 与空间块面做对比 降低体块对视觉上带来的厚重感
Intro/ “The form of architecture is based on functions and structures.” This case is the office of LISO in Hangzhou, which is shaped like a rectangular box space. Therefore, how to rationally and efficiently utilize the space and at the same time create a relaxing office environment is the key to this case. From the architectural perspective, we built a new spatial order in line with LISO. The space is divided by the center line, half of which is the office space and half of which is the discussion and leisure area. lt is also divided into different spaces with half-height partitions to maintain the fluidity and openness of different partitions and to solve the problem of insufficient light brought about by excessively facing north. By mixing different elements of material, structure, color and texture it creates a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Entrance/ The entrance space is in dark tones and serves as a transitional space, switching the spatial mood brought by the outside. Multifunctional Leisure Area/ We have made a functional overlay in this area, including material display cabinets and shelves, refreshment counter, sofa areas, and viewing areas. A visual landing point on the top and ceiling structure has been added at the division of the office area. Through a semi enclosed form, the functions are interspersed with the lighting fixtures and the top structure of the space the vertical scale of the space is expected to extend upwards. The addition of the hanging system not only links various areas but also increases the hanging function. Posters manuscripts and plants will be a regular part of the hanging, adding interest to the space. Project Proposal Area/ The project proposal area was elevated so that we could have an excellent view of the Qiantang River from the north which is the main reason why we chose this site When we are tired of working, looking out of the window at the traffic we can evacuate the pressure and remove the heavy workload. Office Area/ The office area has redesigned the desk and storage cabinets with birch wood panels. Neutralizing the gray tones of the floor and walls while adding plenty of storage space. The open office area works well to enhance the efficiency of work communication. Having an open environment is also important for facilitating occasional brainstorming. Details/ The exhibition racks can be placed horizontally or vertically and the display mode can be switched freely. The material cabinet is a pull-out cabinet which classifies different materials to avoid clutter and disorder. Hanging System/ In addition to its practical functionality it can be a device or display that creates a lightweight linear appeal. Creating contrast with the spatial block surface reducing the visual heaviness brought by the block.