Villa Homespun Philosophy
  • 城市 : 苏州   City : Suzhou
  • 面积 : 820㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-08-31    Completion Date : 2020-08-31
  • 设计师 : 邱德光、刘家麟   Designer : T.K. Chu and Liu Chia-lin
  • 摄影 : 朱迪   Photographer : Zhu Di
  • 官网/公众号 : / 公众号:邱德光先生   Website/Official Accounts : / public address:邱德光先生
Villa Homespun Philosophy  苏州中国铁建·拙政江南
中铁建地产倾力打造的苏州·拙政江南别墅,与世界文化遗产拙政园仅6米之隔。拙政园作为苏州园林的代表,彰显着中国文人居所的至高境界。如何延续园林的人文诗意,构筑现实生活中的梦幻居所,是邱德光设计的出发点。 玄关处,联合艺术家刘峰打造的镂空太湖石雕塑,是整座宅邸的精神重心。而水,则是拙政园的灵魂。邱德光设计提取水的不同形态,串联空间的想象:不锈钢板模拟波光粼粼的水面、主卫生间玻璃砖效仿晶莹剔透的冰块、地下二层的灯则如瀑布泛起水花……室内空间的水与玄关处的浅池、主庭院的观景池相呼应。此外,透过建筑空间形态设计,新增的下层庭园与采光天井令空间中闭塞的区块得以解放,延续了园林自然意象。云、山、石、鹿形雕塑错落有致,仿若一个缩小版的园林,让人充分体会足不出户而享林泉之美的意趣。
Villa Homespun Philosophy, a high-end project of China Railway Construction Real Estate, is only six meters away from the World Heritage Site, Humble Administrator’s Garden. As a representative of Suzhou gardens, Humble Administrator’s Garden shows the supreme realm of the residence of Chinese literati. What T.K. Chu design focuses on is to keep the sense of humanities and poetry of the garden and then construct the fairyland in reality. A hollowed-out Taihu stone sculpture created by artist Liu Feng is put at the entrance acting as the spiritual mentor of the entire mansion. Being surrounded by pools, the Humble Administrator’s Garden voices its spirit with water. Inspired by that, T.K. Chu design used various forms of water to connect the whole spaces in designing the Homespun Philosophy villa--The stainless steel plate in the living room is meant to simulate the sparkling water surface; the glass tiles of the master bathroom stand for the crystal clear ice; the main light of the waterfall on the subcellar looks like a waterfall with splashes...Water image of interior space corresponds to the shallow pool at the entrance and the viewing pool in the main courtyard. In addition, through the spatial form design of the building, the newly added lower garden and lighting patio liberate the block in the space, and inherit the spirit of natural landscape in Chinese garden. The clouds, mountains, stone, deer-shaped sculpture were well-arranged to form a miniature world so that residents acquire the living aesthetics of enjoying nature without leaving home.