Cycle Cycle Mobile Bakehouse Cycle Cycle 巡游亭
Cycle Cycle 巡游亭是一个可移动的面包咖啡快闪店。对于“土地和食物”,我们与品牌方不谋而合:土地和食物的联系、建筑和人的联系,其实是同一叙述的“表”与“里”。我们常忽视农耕文明对现代风俗、礼仪、生活乃至空间逻辑的影响,食物的获取、运输、交易、消耗可能是串联起社会运作的基础逻辑之一。人无法割裂与土地的联系,正如离不开五谷杂粮。我们希望通过这次项目分享一些对“风土”和“人情”的思考,试图用建筑的方式,找回当今社会中人与土地、人与人的连接。
Cycle Cycle Mobile Bakehouse is a pop-up café and bakery. The client wanted to explore the relationship between food and land in this project, which perfectly matches the design philosophy of our studio – the connection between land and food, between architecture and people, is essentially the same narrative of "surface" and "essence." Through contemplation of "local customs" and "human feelings," we attempt to use architecture to rediscover the connection between people and land, and between people themselves in today's society.