apm | Art gallery in the community
apm | 社区中的美术馆
  • 城市 : 海南省海口市   City : Haikou city, Hainan Province
  • 面积 : 387.7 m2
  • 完成日期 : 2023-12-23    Completion Date : 2023-12-23
  • 设计师 : 唐大舟   Designer : Tang Dazhou
  • 摄影 : 田方方,DONG 建筑影像   Photographer : Tian Fangfang, DONG Image
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 上海大舟建筑设计事务所   Official Name : Dazhou and Associates
  • 官网/公众号 : 大舟建筑(微信公众号)   Website/Official Accounts : DazhouAA (Wechat Public Platform)
apm | Art gallery in the community  apm | 社区中的美术馆
apm美术馆是海口高兴里商业街区的一个更新改造项目。它的出现为高兴里街区植入了当代艺术与人文气息,也带动了街区东侧的活力。改造后的建筑被弧形锈钢板包裹,周围设置了一个环绕着建筑的连廊, 如果有需要,行人会自然而然地靠近建筑,在廊下穿行。在建筑首层,我们又将小小的美术馆撕开一些口子,让在廊下的行人不经意地瞥到内部的展品,意图引起他们的兴趣。连廊围合成了一个小院,室外展场与活动场所由此展开。自连廊向上是三个层层出挑的建筑体量,新的立面绕过了原始建筑出挑的屋檐,用硕大的体量模糊了楼层分割,小小的美术馆如雕塑般伫立,虚张起声势。室内两种不同风格的展厅并存,为这间小型美术馆带来了更多的体验与可能性。相比于艺术圣殿,apm更是一座人人可触及、人人可进入的现代艺术中心,它在带动周边氛围的同时也拉近了艺术作品与寻常人之间的距离。
apm Gallery is a building renovation project in Haikou Gaoxingli, a commercial block in China. It has been transformed into an art gallery, which infuses contemporary art and sense of humanism into the block. The two-storey structure is wrapped by undulating corten steel, unfolding across a sequence of corridors. Passersby would happen to approach the architecture when they walk along the corridor. Meanwhile, the openings that punctuating the ground-level exhibition walls help extend the dialogue outdoors, where people could catch glimpses of the indoor artworks, art starts from curiosity. The circular corridors extend forward, enclosing a courtyard in the original open space, which, though not large, could become an outdoor exhibition and event space in the future. Ascending from the corridors, three volumes gracefully stack, each overhanging to allow the new facade to bypass the eaves of the original building. The large volumes blur the floor divisions, lending the petite gallery a sculptural presence, grand yet modest. Inside, the black gallery and the white gallery contrast with each other, providing unique exhibition experience for visitors. Instead of a classic art palace, apm is more of a modern art hub that involves everyone. It drives vitality for the surrounding community and also get people to approach art in its own way.