The Breeze Hall
  • 城市 : 上海   City : SHANGHAI
  • 面积 : 680㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2024-03-30    Completion Date : 2024-03-30
  • 设计师 : 撒尼夫、长山   Designer : Sanif, Chang Shan
  • 摄影 : 叶建源、吕晓斌、朱润资、撒尼夫、肖潇   Photographer : Ye Jianyuan\Lv Xiaobin\Zhu Runzi\Sanif\Xiao Xiao
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : SHISUO是所设计   Official Name : SHISUO Design Office
  • 官网/公众号 : 网站 公众号:是所SHISUO   Website/Official Accounts : wechat:是所SHISUO
The Breeze Hall  微风礼堂
The Breeze Hall was located on the south side of the Lu Xun Memorial Museum, which had been relegated to a corner of the park by a fence, forgotten as a fragment of urban development. In 2023, SHISUO was commissioned to redesign this area. The main building consists of a wing-like steel structure and a landscape-like podium. The slender structure is arranged in a way that is both light and transparent while achieving a high structural efficiency. With the I-beams(only 100*150mm) support an open space of 42m in length, 15m in span, and 12m in height, addressing the needs for cultural activities, exhibitions, and gatherings. It is regarded as a sanctuary that carries the collective memory of the city; it features not only a dramatic, towering, and hyperscale ceremonial space but also details and material treatment at a human scale. In just six months since its opening, the Breeze Hall has become a generator of public activities, hosting a series of socially impactful cultural events that not only created significant economic benefits but also enhanced the quality of urban space, gaining the favor of citizens. Through these public events, the Breeze Hall garnered over 30 million views on social media, becoming a new cultural landmark in Shanghai.