Chǐ (foot)
Chǐ 尺
  • 城市 : 成都   City : Chengdu
  • 面积 : 11.8平方米   Area : 11.8 Square Meters
  • 完成日期 : 2024-05-15    Completion Date : 2024-05-15
  • 设计师 : 何靓    Designer : Holy He
  • 摄影 : 贺川   Photographer : Chuan He
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : JUMGO 浆果创意   Official Name : JUMGO Creative
  • 官网/公众号 :
Chǐ (foot)  Chǐ 尺
本木品牌作为成都本土传统木作定制品牌,历经三十余载,专注原木定制生产,现已发展为全木作产品线的运营企业。 “尺”装置的诞生源于本木主理人与我们偶然的一次交流,谈到展厅外中庭闲置空地,期望打造一个趣味性产品装置。这个装置立意独特,以中国传统度量衡“尺”为出发点,构建了从二维到三维的空间形式。用“一尺”(33.3cm)作为基本单位,进行无限延展,展现出无限的可能。 材料运用上,集合了原木与金属,再镶嵌照明系统,独具魅力。适配于展陈物品、放置物件等多种功能。形态上也能灵活变换,成为柜、几、屏风等各类陈设,能轻松融入各种场景。既能化身茶室几案,又能化身书室书柜。 所谓“咫尺有心意,方寸现空间”,即使在有限的尺寸中,也饱含着深深的用心,在小小的空间里创造出无限的可能,让路过的客人能短暂停留、休憩及体验,达成“橱窗”效应的商业目的,吸引更多人的目光。本木品牌希望通过它,代表多年来对待产品严谨的专业能力,展现敢于不断尝试新技术新趋势的研发态度。
BEN MOO, a traditional woodcraft brand based in Chengdu, has specialized in custom solid wood production for over 30 years. The brand has evolved into a comprehensive woodcraft enterprise, offering a wide range of products to meet diverse market needs. The creation of the "Chi" (foot) installation was inspired by a casual conversation between the brand's curator and us. The idea was to transform an idle courtyard space outside the showroom into a unique and playful product installation. This installation is conceptually rooted in the traditional Chinese unit of measurement, the "chi" (foot) (33.3 cm). Using this as the basic unit, the design extends infinitely, moving from two-dimensional to three-dimensional forms, symbolizing boundless possibilities. The materials combine solid wood and metal, complemented by an embedded lighting system, adding to its unique aesthetic charm. The installation serves multiple functions, from displaying items to holding objects, and its form can flexibly transform into cabinets, tables, or screens, making it adaptable to various settings. It could act as a tea table in a tea room or as a bookshelf in a study. Embodying the idea of "With infinite heart within reach, vast space appears in every inch," the installation demonstrates that even within small dimensions, careful design can create infinite possibilities. It invites passersby to pause, rest, and engage with the piece, achieving a "window display" effect that draws more attention to the brand. Through this project, BEN MOO aims to showcase its dedication to craftsmanship and its pursuit of innovative techniques and trends.