76㎡ Residence Renovation: Elegant Design of Warm White and Log
  • 城市 : 广州   City : Guangzhou, China
  • 面积 : 76㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2024-10-01    Completion Date : 2024-10-01
  • 设计师 : 吴文深   Designer : Wenshen Wu
  • 摄影 : 屳摄影   Photographer : XIAN SPACE
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 深作建筑空间事务所   Official Name : VALUE WORKS ARCHITECTS
  • 官网/公众号 : 深作建筑空间事务所   Website/Official Accounts : VALUE WORKS ARCHITECTS
76㎡ Residence Renovation: Elegant Design of Warm White and Log  暖白与原木,家的温柔边界
本项目位于广州市中心,原户型为九十年代两居室,存在诸多弊端,入户直对厨房,卫浴局促,阳台在卧室且走廊采光差,居住体验不佳。 改造后的设计独具匠心。色调上,暖白与原木搭配,营造温馨治愈氛围,阳光倾洒,如自然低语。空间布局大幅优化,整合为宽敞通透的三室两卫。起居区开阔明亮,弧线天花巧妙隐藏结构梁,尽显开阔。大餐桌可容纳6 - 8人,水吧台美观实用,摆件精美而浪漫。家务区与阳台相连,新增洗手台满足日常需求。榻榻米多功能房从起居空间巧妙划分,原木柜体隔断,移门窗帘融入设计,实现空间灵活切换,洞口设计让亲子互动更加温馨。主卧藤编元素与奶油色系融合,格调高雅;儿童房“上床下柜”舒适实用。卫生间“幽灵门”极简隐形,无地轨设计便于清洁,石纹砖与木质柜体相得益彰。厨房纯白简洁,玻璃移门防油烟,双侧操作台高效实用。近入户处规划厨房与大量储物空间,烹饪、收纳动线流畅,还设入户换衣区,整体储物充裕,让家始终整洁如新,完美满足四口之家生活需求,诠释了有限空间的无限可能。
Located in the center of Guangzhou, the original 90s two - bedroom apartment had many flaws. The entrance faced the kitchen directly, the bathroom was cramped, the balcony was in the bedroom, and the corridors had poor lighting, resulting in a poor living experience. After renovation, the warm white and log color scheme creates a warm, healing atmosphere. The layout is optimized into a spacious living area. There's a large dining table for family gatherings and a practical water bar with ornaments adding charm. The laundry area by the balcony has a new washbasin. The balcony's plants show the owner's love for life.A tatami room is separated from the living space by a log cabinet with a special design for connection and independence. The opening allows kids to see their family.The master bedroom's rattan elements are harmonious and elegant. The children's room's "bed above and cabinets below" design is practical and well-lit.The bathroom's "hidden barn door" is minimalist and easy to clean. The kitchen near the entrance is white, bright, and has a good layout. Ample storage space keeps the home tidy.