FNJI Nanjing Store
  • 城市 : 南京   City : Nanjing
  • 面积 : 700平方米   Area : 700 square meters
  • 完成日期 : 2021-01-15    Completion Date : 2021-01-15
  • 设计师 : 室内设计:东形西见 软装陈设:梵几室内设计   Designer : Interior design: East to West Architects Sof
  • 摄影 : 许晓东   Photographer : Xiaodong xu
  • 官网/公众号 : http://dxxjdesign.com/ 梵几公众号   Website/Official Accounts : http://dxxjdesign.com/ https://www.fnji.com
FNJI Nanjing Store  梵几南京店
2021,是梵几跨过十年品牌里程碑的第一年,梵几南京店作为新年的第一站,也是品牌的崭新开端。2020实属不易,而严冬将过,我们期待着万物复苏的好时节。 六朝古都,紫金山下,秦淮河畔;远有连绵山岗,近有桨声灯影。梵几南京店位于建邺区金鹰世界二层,总面积超过700平方米,承载着梵几全线家具以及生杂产品,以现代城市线条和商业业态包裹梵几独有的内在美学,在喧闹繁华的市井烟火气中,成为别具一格的现代侘寂美学空间。作为梵几第八家实体店铺,南京店既传承了江南园林的典雅风致,也延续了成都客厅龙门客栈式的江湖豪气,正如南京温婉中糅杂着粗粝感的城市气质。此次门店的设计是梵几室内设计第二次联手东形西见团队。空间的部分灵感来自于梵几十周年中“寻河”的概念。通往深处空间的走廊借鉴了河流的形态,以曲线模拟水流,点状光源从侧面投至深色的地面上,正如去年展演舞台上以闪动的点状光表达的“寻”这一过程。步入走廊中,沿着寻河的轨迹向前探索,如同踏足一个神秘的未知空间,被若有似无的光源指引着,听着脚步声清脆地回响,有种时间和空间被无限拉长的奇妙感受。不同于梵几苏州的移步换景和梵几成都的蜿蜒跌宕,梵几南京店以大开大合的方式展现了现代空间与质朴肌理的相互碰撞。看似切断,实则以延伸独立的通道巧妙地分割出了多个空间。既保留了曲径通幽的惊喜感,也有豁然开朗后的明亮通透,让人能够在同一空间中感受层次与尺度的多样变化。不论空间还是家具,梵几在设计中凝练了东方韵味与现代哲思,其背后皆蕴藏着对自然和在地文化的尊重与考量。
2021 is the first year that FNJI has crossed a decade of brand milestones. As the first stop of the new year, FNJI Nanjing store is also a brand new beginning. 2020 is not easy, and the severe winter is over, we look forward to a good time for the recovery of everything. The ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, under the Purple Mountain, along the banks of the Qinhuai River; there are rolling hills far away, and the sound of oars and lights nearby. FNJI Nanjing Store is located on the second floor of Golden Eagle World in Jianye District, with a total area of ​​more than 700 square meters. Amidst the fireworks of the city, it has become a unique modern wabi-sabi aesthetic space. As the eighth physical store of the FNJI, the Nanjing store not only inherits the elegant style of Jiangnan gardens, but also continues the grandeur of the longmen inn style of the living room in Chengdu, just like Nanjing's gentle and elegant urban temperament. The design of this store is the second time that FNJI Interior Design teamed up with the East to West Architects team. Part of the inspiration for the space comes from the concept of "searching for the river" in the decades-long anniversary of the Vatican. The corridor leading to the deep space draws on the shape of the river, simulating the flow of water with a curve, and the point-shaped light source is projected from the side onto the dark ground, just like the “seeking” expressed by the flashing point-shaped light on the stage of last year’s exhibition. process. Stepping into the corridor and exploring along the trajectory of searching for a river, it is like stepping into a mysterious unknown space, guided by a light source that seems to be absent, listening to the sound of footsteps echoing clearly, there is a kind of time and space that is stretched infinitely Wonderful feeling. Different from the changing scenery of FNJI in Suzhou and the winding ups and turns of FNJI in Chengdu, FNJI Nanjing store opens and closes to show the collision of modern space and simple texture. It seems to be cut off, but in fact, multiple spaces are cleverly divided by extending independent passages. It not only retains the pleasant surprise of the winding path, but also the bright and transparent after a sudden enlightenment, so that people can feel the various changes of levels and scales in the same space. Regardless of space or furniture, the FNJI has condensed oriental charm and modern philosophies in its design, and behind it lies the respect and consideration for nature and local culture.