Agreeable Keep No.47
Agreeable Keep No.47
  • 城市 : 台湾   City : Taiwan
  • 面积 : 30
  • 完成日期 : 2020-10-01    Completion Date : 2020-10-01
  • 设计师 : 廖哲纬   Designer : ZHE WEI LIAO
  • 官网/公众号 : none
Agreeable Keep No.47  Agreeable Keep No.47
作为台湾公路发展史的见证,MCI 96A3 灰狗巴士于 70 年代进口后于国光客运 服役,其引擎与国军 M109 自走炮通用,并作为编号的战略物资之一。此基地 以退役巴士作为出发,保有车辆行驶功能,时间更迭可以不代表淘汰,如同理 发前后的发型改变。 以华丽巴士作为主轴,透过场域内的重新塑造融入男士理发厅的空间设定,内 部保留车辆部分构造,以 MCI 进口时的蓝色绒布椅面作为色彩主角,翻新了车 辆原有的乘客座椅。配合旧有天花板龙骨安装 LED 灯,透过特殊涂料的反光, 使光线于弧形的车内蒙皮漫射出柔和光线,利用金属杆件呼应巴士空间。并以 自走炮炮发射时的做动方式做为发想,将洗发盆以伸缩的方式收纳,同时解决 空间狭小的限制。且透过强烈的材料色彩诠释出车辆内外的冲突感受,象征着 入内后将会焕然一新的新发型。
The heart of this design lies in the clash between the interior atmosphere and the outside environment. Converted from the MCI 96A3 bus built in the USA back in 1977, a barbershop with the luxurious decor was created while retaining the vehicle’s functionality. The shop consists of a waiting room, low display cabinets and an area with barber chairs where the most significant part of the customer experience happens. Clear divisions were formed utilising various shapes and purposes of cabinets – achieving optimum transformation and usage of the long and narrow space within a bus. Taking user’s habit into account, every barber seat is endowed with a countertop which successfully combined the worktops, lighting and wash stations. In Taiwan, MCI 96A3 BUS shares the diesel engine with the Army’s M109 Howitzer and takes it as inspiration, the parallel movement of the barrel, represented by retractable shampoo worktops. As well extend the idea to the shape and appearance of the shampoo worktops. The original bus chairs were revamped and staggered throughout the room as dividing elements. Skilfully using the metal rods corresponding with the vehicle armrests as a solution to the narrow space. Maintaining similar colour tones, metallic marble and wooden materials were selected along with azure blue stud boards and chairs. This colour effect translates into a sense of space visually. The old beams of the vehicle were cleverly disguised using wood and layers of linear lighting. The light reflection from the pearl effect paints creates a sumptuous curved ceiling. The interior space of the vehicle is renovated into a luxurious barbershop combined with the client’s preference of the splendid sense of Oriental Express and army blue uniforms. Skilfully using materials such as veneers, metals, marble and leathers, chosen in deep tone, so as to create a solemn and low-key luxurious feeling