Hiddenscape —Reuse military bunker to multimedia zone 隐藏的地景—再造军事碉堡成为影视基地
基地是两座建于 1943 年二战期间所建造的军事碉堡,至今约有 80 年的历史。力口建 筑将当地老旧的军事碉堡整理复原,基地户外招牌、小防空洞修补过后的缺口、透气孔洒下 的自然光,与 MR、VR的人造光源其影像的对话,透过光线编织记忆,让现代人体验当 时战火的威胁性及缅怀过往奋斗的战士们。 向心性铺面,延展防空洞的空间性,整合临时性的帐篷作为信息台,喷雾系统也降低室 外高温,让艺术家们的装置与户外的杂木林地景连结。此外,小防空碉堡侧墙曾被开凿出的 洞口,在填补后将视线链接到新的地坪,来隐喻隐藏的土丘,展现碉堡土丘与现今艺术的更 迭蜕变。 室内入口处保留通道以呈现通透感,让人意识到防空洞的主体存在。将大碉堡其中两个 空间作为 VR 空间及 MR 空间。VR 体验区让人们以虚拟现实的方式进入到二战时期使用摩 斯密码进行通讯设备,然而 MR 空间让人们席地倚坐在两侧,将动画投射在拱型天花板,碉 堡既有的建筑形态成为新的影像平台,让观众有虚拟和真实两种模式的感官体验。小碉堡则 保留原有空间型态仅作构造及影片说明,让人们可体验新旧质感的对比。 这次的再生设计,对军事遗址提出可永续性的修复,用较友善的方式来体感日据时代战 争氛围,给予到场的人们不一样的记忆传承体验.
Two military bunkers, established in 1943, are repaired for inviting modern people to re-experience the threats of the war and in memory of soldiers who fought to death. Designing the hollowed caption board, leaving crevices on the patched air-raid shelter, and cleaning up the air vents, studio APL re-introduces the sunlight indoors, which creates mixed reality(MR) and virtual reality(VR) experience collaboratively with artificial light. Centripetal arrangement of paving blocks creates spatial connection between the installation art in the military bunkers and spinney landscape outdoors. The temporary tent serves as an information center, with spray system installed to cool down the visitors. The refilled cave on the sidewall of the smaller military bunkers bridge the mound with the pavement, hinting a missing part of the mound. Experiencing the metamorphosis, the ordinary bunkers are transformed into a modern artwork. By reserving the space of entrance corridor, we can recognize the main part of the air-raid shelters. The primary military bunker, turned into a media place, which is divided into VR and MR area. In VR area, visitors are brought back to World War II, sending Morse code by waving their hands. As for MR area, visitors sit against the wall and immerse themselves into the fantasy weaved by projection screen and the structure of the bunker. Besides, the small military bunker keeps the original spatial pattern of structure. Watching the introducing film in detail, visitors are invited to feel the contrast between the primitive function and reborn design. “Hiddenscape —Reuse military bunker to media zone” is a cyclic design, which not only revives military ruins, but also recreates the atmosphere of World War II inheritance and passing on the facts and memories to future generations.