  • 城市 : 中国杭州   City : Hangzhou, China
  • 面积 : 30㎡   Area : 30sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2020-12-31    Completion Date : 2020-12-31
  • 设计师 : 张岩 单嘉男   Designer : Yan Zhang, Jianan Shan
  • 摄影 : 加纳永一   Photographer : Eiichi Kano
  • 官网/公众号 : say architects
LPiano  LPiano城市音乐厅
这可能是最小的同时也是最大的音乐厅。 项目初始,客户希望能够为他设计一个小型音乐教室,但经过探讨后,我们决定通过设计展现一个更具有野心的想法,让这个空间成为一个辐射向城市的音乐厅。自此,城市音乐厅诞生了。 音乐厅内部空间是一个三部曲的序列空间。我们通过声学模拟和BIM模型分析确定了三部分的空间形状以及材质。音乐厅的灯光设计包含了多种不同的模式供不同方式的使用。 处于表演模式时,背后两根柱子之间的光仿佛天光一样洗刷下来,同时钢琴和演奏者也分别被一个射灯打亮。这一刻舞台真的变成了舞台。当关掉灯光时,这空间变成了一个私人的音乐厅,自然光线落在材料上强调了不同部分的形状和质感。 每周这里都会举办一个小型的音乐会,观众可以是任何人,没有门票也不收取任何费用。 城市音乐厅只是城市中的一个小标记,但他却辐射向整个城市,为整座城市演奏。
It is probably the smallest and biggest concert hall of all. The request from the client is to design a small piano classroom for him. Instead of creating this introvert classroom, we decided to develop a more ambitious gesture; we want to make it a radiant space towards the whole city. Thus the smallest and the biggest concert hall appears. The inner space is a trilogy space series. We comfirmed ths space shape and material by doing acoustic analysis and BIM model. In performance mode, the light between the two pillars, flush down like a skylight, while two spotlights light up the piano and player. Without light, space becomes a private concert hall; lights hits material emphasizes different parts and shapes inside the room. The concert will be opened with free tickets weekly. The audience and even the performers can be anyone who want to get involved in music. This concert hall is a tiny point mark on the map if you know the location, but space radiates toward the whole city.