The Assembled Market
  • 城市 : Hunan
  • 面积 : 670
  • 完成日期 : 2020-07-01    Completion Date : 2020-07-01
  • 设计师 : 陆颖芝   Designer : Christina Luk
  • 摄影 : 洛唐建筑摄影   Photographer : Peter Dixie
  • 官网/公众号 :
The Assembled Market  寻味街市
作为“快生活”的衍生品,超市自上世纪30 年代在美国诞生便迅速风靡全球。中国零售业70 年代开始引入超市概念,却没有对本土市集文化进行很好的融合、延续与创新。芝作室受长 沙本土新零售品牌“福来食集”委托为其设计了超市首店,借由传统市集文化的有机融入,打造可供市民深度体验的复合型公共空间。 项目位于长沙市新区北辰三角洲,周边住宅林立,超市南入口正对平沙路,北入口连通凤凰海购物公园内街。从传统市集货架提取的木框元素,既作为基础结构串连起超市各功能分区, 也通过不同的变化组合来营造差异化视觉效果,烘托各区主题。 项目完成时间2020年6月
The concept of supermarket was born as a by-product of the fast-paced lifestyle in the United States back in the 1930s. Most supermarkets in China adopt the conventional spatial model based on efficiency but often lack a memorable character. Commissioned by Fresh Mart, a new brand established in Changsha, to design its store identity, Lukstudio has reinterpreted elements from common Chinese markets and street booths, giving the familiar typology an unfamiliar facelift. Located next to several residential compounds in the new CBD of Changsha, the given irregular site comes with two entrances, one facing the Pingsha street and the other connecting to the Hi Park Mall. Throughout the supermarket, a wooden frame is used as an infrastructure that ties all the different sections: fresh vegetables, fishmonger, butchery, dry goods, restaurant, cafe and bakery. Each section is then characterized by an assembly of relevant features or textures.