The NINE Restaurant
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 600㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-01-18    Completion Date : 2021-01-18
  • 设计师 : 曾建龙   Designer : Gary Zeng
  • 摄影 : 如你所见   Photographer : Ru Ni Suo Jian
  • 官网/公众号 : GID国际设计
The NINE Restaurant  九储堂餐厅
上海,一座承载近代中国百年繁华的都市,会同兼容并蓄的海派文化体系,恰是“欲望”的另一种演绎。 上海九储堂餐厅,以饮食和色彩的视角,解读传统与现代的碰撞,压抑与解放的情绪上的平衡。在乱花渐欲迷人眼中,在“万国博物馆”的历史烙印裹挟下,寻得魔都艺术人文的新共振。 九储堂餐厅坐落于上海外滩5号,濒临黄浦江,从属于外滩建筑群。兼备日本近代西洋建筑与古典建筑风格,特色鲜明的气质奠定了项目厚实的历史感与文化属性。 因此,设计师曾建龙从独特的地理优势入手,融合现代设计元素,如浓烈的色彩搭配、老上海的历史遗痕,形成新与旧的融洽结合,打造新时代十里洋场的场域印记。 好的设计,不仅是在于设计其“表”,更在于其“里”。曾建龙对于老上海新与旧的探索由内而外,设计的不只是外滩的浮华,更是对当代上海情节的重塑。
The Nine restaurant is located on the third floor of Bund 5, which is among the historic building clusters along the Huangpu River. It is one of the most iconic buildings in Shanghai. The Bund 5 is a building that consists both Japanese and Western elements and classic and modern style. The point of designing this restaurant lies in how to connect the historical feeling of this location with the restaurant and take full use of this extraordinary position.The designer has represented an international-oriented Shanghai style and has used the combination of colors, elements, contrast and harmony of modern and classic styles and the eye-catching art pieces to identify the space and let it communicate its own personality throughout time and space. The breathtaking view of the Bund is one of the biggest advantages of this restaurant. The designer has thus place artistic installations on the false ceiling of the bar area to create a holistic visual focus in the space and to introduce continuous pleasure and visual feast to the visitors. The Chinese cuisine requires good quality in all aspects including the smell and look of a dish. The designer has maintained this high standard also to the composition of this project: aside from the artistic feeling and visual pleasure of the space, the designer has also considered how to form a visual IP in order to better differentiate the market and attract more clients. How to create a space that is pleasant and cozy for the clients is also an important aspect of the project. Good design is not only about how it looks but how it communicates its spirit.