Disassembly & Superposition:a 4-story longitudinal dream house of Work-Life balance
  • 城市 : 北京
  • 面积 : 247㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-01    Completion Date : 2021-06-01
  • 设计师 : 张冬月
  • 摄影 : 张之洲、董晨
  • 官网/公众号 : 玥拾空间设计工作室
Disassembly & Superposition:a 4-story longitudinal dream house of Work-Life balance  《拆解与叠合——4层纵联的职住理想家》
这是一套247平米的设计师工作室兼自宅、地上三层、地下一层的别墅。 对于这个空间的打造,是设计师构画已久的理想生活样本——有适合团队工作的完整且自在的办公空间;有设计师自己日常生活的私密且独立的居住空间—“职”和“住在同一栋建筑内,却可以彼此分离、又能有机地串联在一起。 经过对设计师的生活方式和团队工作模式的分析后,梳理出三类对于此空间高频使用的不同人群——设计师和男友、团队员工、公司客户。 三类人对于空间的不同诉求。 上下共四层的狭长空间,其中地上三层的面积呈逐层递减状。 以三个入口为三类人各不相同的空间起始点以地上一层南侧花园为“职空间”的入口,穿过花园进门便是办公区; 以地下一层北侧车库为“客空间”的入口,客户泊车、入门、落座、洽谈,功能动线连贯流电梯直达二层为“住空间”入口,以此为玄关二层三层共通组成一个完整的、设计师独自使用的日常之家。 这个原本狭长的多层空间,通过模块化的拆解和叠合之后,形成多条并行不悖、各自闭环有机流畅的空间路径。
The subject unit is a 247-square-meter villa, designed to be a multifaceted Interior design studio and residential compound for the designer, with three floors above ground and one underground. For this space, we draw up the plan based on the designer’s ideal lifestyle, a long-conceived, thoughtful yet efficient design: there is a complete and comfortable office space suitable for team work, as well as a private and independent residential zone for the designer's own daily life, that is to say, “work” and “life” in the same building, they can be separated from each other and connected together organically. After assessing the designer's lifestyle and her team’s work mode, we designed the house with the future purpose of its space in mind, which would mainly be frequently used by three different types of group: the designer and her boyfriend, members of the team and their clients. Four floors (3 above the ground, 1 underground) of long and narrow spaces. For the three overground floors, the floor area becomes smaller as it goes up in higher levels. There are three different entrances as the start point of different functional zones for the three groups of people that were mentioned above. The south garden on the ground floor as the entrance to the "work zone", go through the garden, pass the door and you will enter the office area; The garage on the north side of the ground floor as the entrance to the "social zone", through where the clients can park their cars, enter, sit down on the sofa and chat with the team members, forming a direct circulation path to ensure maximum efficiency. The elevator goes directly to the second floor as the entrance to the "life/residential zone", the elevator door opens to a small space there, serving as a foyer to the second and third floor——a complete private home for the designer. This originally long and narrow multi-layered space, through modular disassembly and superposition, forms a number of parallel, non-contradictory, closed-loop, organic and direct circulation paths.