Xijiao villa
  • 城市 : 上海   City : ShangHai
  • 面积 : 650
  • 完成日期 : 2021-05-24    Completion Date : 2021-05-24
  • 设计师 : 费崎峰   Designer : Fitch
  • 摄影 : 西阳   Photographer : Rémy
  • 官网/公众号 : FF空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : FF Space Design
Xijiao villa  西郊别墅
这是一套“跨时空”的案子,疫情加上时差。除了“希望在客厅也能看到车库的跑车”的需求,业主将一切全权委托我们。面对已经被拆的“面目全非”的零碎平面,FF用14个月的时间,从设计、施工、软装、景观全程负责,最终交上了一份超预期的“答卷”。 看似内外有别的空间,实则相互补充,不可分割,共同构成了整体。这次的设计,自然也是从外部开始的。运用现代主义的设计手法,将原本欧式的门头改为简单的“白盒子”。为平衡可能产生的冰冷感并增加识别度,车库门大胆地采用艺术涂鸦形式,并将业主喜欢的“金钱、大象、智慧”等元素融入其中,极具潮流感。
This is a transformational design that involves work done in different time and space. From consultation to final shooting, it was a very enjoyable design experience. The designer found, when measuring, that the villa had been demolished beyond recognition. Eventually, it took the FF team 14 months of meticulous work to present you with this satisfactory result. The inside and the outside of the house seem to be different and independent of each other, but the styles of the both are interconnected and perfectly blended, thus creating a beautiful design. If one perceives minimalism as somehow too simple and cold, the art graffiti on garage door will ingeniously dispel this concern by integrating the fashion trend into minimalism. The landscape also reflects the owner’s needs and temperament to a certain extent. The modernist design technique coincides with the minimalist life concept. The designer changed the original European-style porch to a simple “white box”, and the blocks placed in a seemingly random manner carry a rational thinking logic.