Chongqing Vanke · Puyuan
  • 城市 : 重庆 渝北区   City : Yubei District, Chongqing City
  • 面积 : 587㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-04-22    Completion Date : 2021-04-22
  • 设计师 : 郭捷   Designer : Jie Guo
  • 摄影 : 陈彦铭、贺川   Photographer : Yanming Chen, Chuan He
  • 官网/公众号 : ENJOY设计   Website/Official Accounts : enjoy-design
Chongqing Vanke · Puyuan  重庆万科·璞园
由于重庆特色的地形条件,建筑原身是地下室,那么一个地下室可以做什么呢?不如做个酒窖吧。最终联接建筑、景观和室内的一体化,塑造了一个重庆独有的葡萄庄园,再现酒窖场景的漫长岁月。 关于璞园的开始,因地制宜的条件仅是切合实际的考量,更多的是从《IDEO,设计改变一切》的思维出发,通过对生活的解读,以设计的力量激发创新的潜能,将抽象的概念转译为现实,述说生活的故事,倾注真挚的情感。在这座摩登雾都,吵嚷的人间烟火和繁华的车水马龙是每天都会循环上演的场景。喧嚣中的浮躁不安蠢蠢欲动,ENJOY DESIGN结合城市的在地性还原真实的红酒主题场景,再现一个全新的Lounge-life,诗意韵律如涓涓细水抚慰内心的焦虑,于繁华中开辟一隅栖居。
Due to Chongqing's characteristic topographical conditions, the building was originally a basement, so what can a basement do? It's better to be a wine cellar. In the end, by linking the integration of architecture, landscape and interior, we created a unique grape estate in Chongqing, recreating the long years of wine cellar scenes. Regarding the beginning of Puyuan, the conditions of adapting measures to local conditions are only practical considerations, more from the thinking of "IDEO, Design Changes Everything", through the interpretation of life, the power of design stimulates the potential for innovation, and abstracts Concepts are translated into reality, stories of life are told, and sincere emotions are poured into them. In this modern foggy city, noisy human fireworks and bustling traffic are scenes that are repeated every day. The impetuous and restless amidst the hustle and bustle, ENJOYDESIGN combined with the locality of the city to restore the real wine theme scene, reappearing a brand-new Lounge-life, the poetic rhythm is like a trickle of water to soothe inner anxiety, and it opens a corner in the bustling city.