74th Mountain Residence
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 406㎡   Area : China
  • 完成日期 : 2020-12-22    Completion Date : 2020-12-22
  • 设计师 : 曹峰   Designer : Caofeng
  • 摄影 : 蔡云普   Photographer : Cai Yunpu
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.bc20.top/web/
74th Mountain Residence  74号山居
在距离北京城区两小时车程的怀柔,山脚下一座十分安静的村子里,曹峰找到这所可以任由他发挥和探索的老房子。在原有的传统屋顶下,他凭借着自己的直觉和经验,打造出这个旧与新、过去和现代相互对比,又相互包容的家。 所谓“稽古”是对古代生活痕迹的考察研究,与“复古”不同,稽古更注重访古论今,即找到对今天生活的意义,为今所用。“稽古”在日语里也是武道、花道中不断练习的意思。这像极了曹峰现在的状态。他给自己的中古家具店取名“回到二十世纪”,用意简单:那么多设计大师、经典家具作品都出现在二十世纪,现在的生活和家居范本在上个世纪都已经被创造并实践出来了。无论是对孟菲斯、Pierre Jeanneret、Axel Vervoord等经典和大师的钻研,还是对当代艺术、新锐设计的观察,曹峰一直在做着对过去的探究与对当代家居生活的研习。我们眼前这座地处北京郊区怀柔农村的院子,就是他最新的一次审美探索和价值观输出。
In a very quiet village at the foot of the mountains in Huairou, a two-hour drive from Beijing, Cao Feng found this old house that he could play with and explore. Under the original traditional roof, he used his intuition and experience to create a home that contrasts the old with the new, the past with the modern, and yet embraces each other. In contrast to "restoring the past", "Jigu" is the study of traces of ancient life, which is more about visiting the past and discussing the present, i.e. finding the meaning of life today and using it for the present. In Japanese, "Jigu" also means to practice in Budo and Hanamichi. This is exactly what Cao Feng is doing now. He named his mid-century furniture shop "Back to the Twentieth Century" with the simple idea that so many design masters and classic furniture pieces appeared in the twentieth century, and that the models for living and living in today's homes were created and practised in the last century. Whether it is the study of classics and masters such as Memphis, Pierre Jeanneret and Axel Vervoord, or the observation of contemporary art and new design, Cao Feng is always doing an exploration of the past and a study of contemporary home life. The courtyard in front of us, located in rural Huairou on the outskirts of Beijing, is his latest aesthetic exploration and export of values.