Home in black and gold tones
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 290
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-27    Completion Date : 2021-06-27
  • 设计师 : 刘畅   Designer : Liu Chang
  • 摄影 : 立明   Photographer : Li Ming
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NOTHING DESIGN工作室   Official Name : NOTHING DESIGN STUDIO
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.nothingdesign.cn/
Home in black and gold tones  黑金色调的家
顺应客厅的大空间,沙发选择了三米长的HAY 模块沙发,方形沙发的体块感很有力量,和舒适的坐感形成反差,深咖的羊毛材质显得温暖自然。材质上用了橡木,黄铜色,黑色,灰色为主的搭配,营造出既现代又有质感,能突出大户型优势的风格。客厅侧面是一大面落地窗,浅灰色的纱帘颜色和墙面呼应,单层的纱帘可以很好的柔化光线,也显得轻盈飘逸。大地色搭配给人很安静自然的感觉,不同材质的对比又有丰富的质感。侧面利用砌墙时墙面凹进去的一块空间做了一个黄铜色的壁龛,用拉丝不锈钢工艺制作,大面积的黄铜色给空间带来很强的气场。餐厨空间的墙面和客厅一样都用了浅灰色的艺术漆,地板通铺形成完整的视觉效果,黑白灰的基础配色通过材质的不同搭配有了更好的呈现。 橱柜背面定制了黄铜色拉丝不锈钢,做了两层隔板用来置物,黄铜色既能带来很好的视觉冲击力,又相对比较容易清洁。 左侧墙面做了卡座,更好的利用空间面积,因为卧室空间比较大,所以大胆的把主卧床安排在了中间,让动线更灵活,也显得空间更宽敞。 主卧床体也是设计好后定制,三边做高形成包裹感。床头那面墙做了 壁龛,依然沿用了黄铜材质。床的三面都带储物功能,而台面也可以放一些装饰品和日常用品。
In line with the large space of the living room, the sofa chose a three-meter-long HAY module sofa, a square sofa with a strong sense of body, and comfortable sitting to form a contrast, the dark curry wool material looks warm and natural. The materials used are oak, brass, black, and gray, creating a style that is both modern and textured, highlighting the advantages of a large home. The living room is flanked by a large floor-to-ceiling window, and the light gray gauze curtain color echoes the wall. The single-layer gauze curtain can soften the light well, and also looks light and airy. The color of the floor gives a very quiet and natural feeling, and the contrast of different materials has a rich sense of texture. On the side, a brass colored niche is made from a space recessed into the wall during wall building, which is made of brushed stainless steel, and the large area of brass color brings a strong aura to the space. The walls of the dining and kitchen space are painted with the same light gray art paint as the living room, and the flooring is paved through to form a complete visual effect, and the basic color scheme of black, white and gray is better presented through the different matching of materials. The back of the cabinet is customized brass brushed stainless steel, made two layers of partitions for storage, brass color can bring a good visual impact, but also relatively easy to clean. The left side of the wall was made to make better use of the space area, because the bedroom space is relatively large, so boldly arranged the master bed in the middle, so that the movement line is more flexible, but also seems more spacious. The master bedroom bed is also designed after customization, three sides do high to form a sense of wrapping. The wall at the head of the bed was made into a niche, still using brass material. All three sides of the bed have storage functions, and the countertop can also put some decorative items and daily necessities.