Wuhan Zhongjian Nanhu No. 1 - Senior real estate home
  • 城市 : 武汉   City : WUHAN
  • 面积 : 140   Area : 140㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-01-10    Completion Date : 2022-01-10
  • 设计师 : 王佳星   Designer : WANG JIAXING
  • 摄影 : 陈铭   Photographer : CHEN MING
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 万物并作工作室   Official Name : WWUD STUDIO
  • 官网/公众号 : 万物并作设计机构   Website/Official Accounts : WWUD STUDIO
Wuhan Zhongjian Nanhu No. 1 - Senior real estate home  武汉中建南湖壹号—资深地产人的家
这是一套位于武汉南湖湖畔的私人住宅,设计师通过对屋主的深入解读,决定以“蒙德里安”为创作灵感,来打造这个只属于屋主的独一无二的家。在本案中,点线面与红黄蓝元素被巧妙又和谐地植入到整案的设计细节之中,并自成一套严密的逻辑体系。 由玄关出发的蓝色鞋柜系统被金色的金属板横向贯穿,从玄关转角延申到客厅的微水泥电视柜层板,转角处也镶嵌了一根金色金属条,出门所需的穿衣镜采用圆形,至此,点线面关系开始达成。客餐厅地面的地砖以切割和错缝的形式做了缜密的排列组合,同时与地面的微水泥和金属板产生碰撞,如一副镶嵌在地面的蒙德里安画作。餐厨区的材质和颜色组合,也形成缜密的逻辑关系,红色的吊柜,金色的烟机保护罩和白色微水泥岛台结合的金属柜门,更是一副生动且立体的点线面与红黄蓝构成的画作,餐厅墙面的儿童白板墙也深刻地表达着点与线与面的逻辑思维。
This is a set of private residence located in Wuhan Nanhu Lake, the designer through the in-depth interpretation of the owner, decided to "Mondrian" as the creative inspiration, to create this unique home only belongs to the owner. In this case, dots, lines and surfaces and red, yellow and blue elements were subtly and harmoniously implanted into the design details of the whole case, and formed a set of strict logic system. The blue shoe cabinet system from Entryway is traversed by gold metal panels, and the micro-cement TV cabinet that extends from the corner of Entryway to the living room has a gold metal strip around the corner, go out of the mirror required to use a circular, so that the point line surface relationship began to achieve. The floor tiles of the dining room floor are carefully arranged in the form of cuts and gaps, while colliding with the micro-cement and metal plates of the floor, like a Mondrian painting embedded in the ground. The material and color combination of eat hutch area, and form the rigorous logic relationship, gules condole ark, golden island combination of micro machine shield and white cement metal cupboard door, but also a vivid and stereo and of point, line and plane paintings in the composition of the red, yellow, blue, white wall of dining-room metope children also profoundly express the point and line and the logical thinking.