  • 城市 : 杭州   City : HangZhou
  • 面积 : 120
  • 完成日期 : 2022-01-31    Completion Date : 2022-01-31
  • 设计师 : 张英琦   Designer : Linc Zhang
  • 摄影 : 李圣高子   Photographer : Amber Li
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 木卡工作室   Official Name : MUKA ARCHITECTS
  • 官网/公众号 : www.mukaarchitects.cn
Hangzhou "DWELL IN POETICNESS" Home  杭州有栖宅
业主是欧洲留学归来的老师夫妇 对诗意栖居与慢生活方式拥有期待 特殊的公寓户型拥有超4m的原始层高 微拱形的窗洞结构开启了这个私宅项目的造型线索. 通过对结构柱子与顶面的柔化处理化解狭长空间的枯燥感. 压低使用界面与设置阁楼增加公共区域的视觉层次与互动性. 温润的柚木与粗粝的磨石一同衬托空间的纪念感与时光的静谧感. 空间艺术与家居生活的融合是我们一直追求与探讨的主题. 理性梳理空间秩序,再去赋予浪漫诗意. 不论遵循或是重构,均源于我们对生活本质与人的原始尊重.
After the couple of teachers and owners  who settled overseas returned to China, Dwelling on the poetic and slow lifestyle have expectations. This apartment has a special floor height of nearly 4m. Arched window openings structure opens up design cues of this private residence project. Softened by the size and configuration of the top surface of the column to resolve the boring sense narrow space. Lower the height of the living room and set up a loft to enrich the visual hierarchy and interactivity of the public area. The warm teak wood and the rough grindstone bring out the memorial sense of space and the tranquility of time. The integration of space art and home life is the theme we have been pursuing and exploring. Rational combing spatial order, go give it a romantic poetry. Whether following or reconstructing, it all stems from our original respect for the essence of life and people.