nature house
  • 城市 : 广州   City : guangzhou
  • 面积 : 360平米   Area : 360
  • 完成日期 : 2022-03-16    Completion Date : 2022-03-16
  • 设计师 : 吴川文   Designer : Exits Wu
  • 摄影 : 黄早慧、大泽摄影   Photographer : huang zaohui、daze
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 有喆设计   Official Name : infinity design
  • 官网/公众号 :
nature house  广州二沙岛别墅
这是一家五口的诗意栖居地,是所有家庭成员的爱与向往,共同生长出来的家,男主人经营设计工程生意,白手起家奋斗三十载,希望能够给太太与三个孩子一处心之居所,太太与孩子都向往且喜欢植物,所以从买房选址到空间设计,都紧密与自然相生。一切设计的视角,都成为其中的观察者和推动者,旨在让他们心中的理想生长于现实,让空间最大限度融入所在的自然环境,让每个人从中获取能量的滋养,父母的爱意,孩子的成长,在这一空间里,达成每一刻的热烈融洽。 三层空间一半交给了室内,一半交给了自然,向内引入,向外生长,在室内和室外的交互中,生活的形态也在不断发生变化。从阳光房到户外平台的过渡,演绎着主人的内心渴望,越接近于自然,便越发拥有了这世界上最珍贵的自由。一切生活的行为,开始走向了与自然更加毫无保留的亲近。家与自然,人与世界,不再拘泥于严格的分界线。在天地与绿植的开放式包裹里,将自然主义的生活哲学进行到底。
This is a poetic residence for a family of five, the love and yearning of all family members, and a home that grows up together. The father is engaged in the design engineering business. He has worked hard for 30 years from scratch, hoping to give his wife and three children a residence that they like. The mother and children both yearn for and like plants, so from the site selection to the space design, all the processes are closely related to nature. All design perspectives become observers and promoters to make the family’s ideals grow in reality, maximize the integration of the space into the natural environment where it is located, and allow everyone to obtain energy nourishment from it. Meanwhile, parents' love and children's growth could have a fierce integration in this space at every moment. Half the space of the three floors is given to the interior and half to nature. It is introduced inward and grown outward. During the interaction between the interior and exterior, the form of life is also constantly changing. The transition from the sunlight room to the exterior platform interprets the inner desire of the owner. The closer you are to nature, the more you have the most precious freedom in the world. All the behaviors of life begin to move towards a more unreserved close to nature. Home and nature, man and world, are no longer constrained by strict boundaries. In the open cover of heaven, earth, and green plants, implement the naturalistic life philosophy to the end.