Private residence of Fuxi family
  • 城市 : 江苏省泰州市   City : Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province
  • 面积 : 建筑460㎡ 庭院220㎡   Area : Building 460 ㎡, courtyard 220 ㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-09-01    Completion Date : 2022-09-01
  • 设计师 : 蒋玉生   Designer : JIANGYUSHENG
  • 摄影 : ingallery
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 本意空间设计   Official Name : Original space design
  • 官网/公众号 : 本意空间   Website/Official Accounts : Original space
Private residence of Fuxi family  府西人家私宅
时光缱绻,岁月生香,光阴流水落花。青春的绿意,暮年的暗香,每一瞬间都留下美好的人生轨迹。 Time is sweet, time is fragrant, time is flowing. The green of youth and the fragrance of old age leave a beautiful life track in every moment. 沉静,是一种内涵。是“采菊东篱下”的一份释然;是“本来无一物,何处惹尘埃”的一份淡然,也是我们想在空间中传递出的情感诉请求。大面积的素白,优雅而高级,糅合着材质的肌理质感,营造出优雅舒适的高级氛围。大面积留白的手法,搭配天然青石带来了一种现代的清新感,不同材料的碰撞,更让空间充满层次变化。 Quietness is a kind of connotation. It is a relief of "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence"; It is a indifference of "originally nothing, where to cause dust", and it is also an emotional appeal that we want to convey in space. A large area of plain color, elegant and advanced, combined with the texture of the material, to create an elegant and comfortable senior atmosphere. The technique of leaving a large area of white space with natural bluestone brings a modern freshness. The collision of different materials makes the space full of level changes. 时光浅白,色彩、材质秉承自然本真,营造澄净质朴的温暖感。流动的光线成为空间的视觉输出焦点,随着日夜变化呈现不一样的视觉注目。天然木材、麻石、青石,都是大自然中最天然的存在,温柔蜿蜒而成,器物在温和中饱含力量。 Time light, color, material adhering to the natural truth, create a pure and simple sense of warmth. The flowing light becomes the visual output focus of space, and presents different visual attention with the change of day and night. Natural wood, stone and bluestone are the most natural existence in nature. They are gentle and winding, and the utensils are full of strength in the warmth. 将设计语境回归到自然、艺术与人的共情上,赋予美好的生活愿景。木色构筑起现代侘寂的居家氛围,木色与奶油白相融到极致,目之所及是纯粹的质朴与自然。 The design context is returned to the common feelings of nature, art and human, and gives a good life vision. Wood color builds a modern and quiet home atmosphere, and the wood color and cream white blend to the extreme, and the purpose is pure simplicity and nature. 客厅干净的灰白色营造出恬淡静雅的氛围,现代的线条勾勒出艺术情调。空间中加入了原木元素,多了份温暖和舒适,轻盈的薄纱将光线引入室内,营造轻松舒适的氛围,饰品摆放俯拾即是,颇显随性,也浸染出一种在繁华中回归宁静的意味。 The clean gray of the living room creates a quiet and elegant atmosphere, and the modern lines outline the artistic mood. Log elements are added to the space to make it more warm and comfortable. Light gauze introduces light into the room to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Ornaments are displayed everywhere, which is quite casual and reflects a sense of returning to tranquility in prosperity. 拾级而上,餐厅原木气质温润,餐桌上置放同色系艺术花艺,植物的优雅姿态点缀餐桌,让整体氛围更加清新明快、生机盎然,开启美妙和谐的用餐时光。“人需要艺术和文化才能享受城市生活”。以自然原木、藤编家私装点空间,用画渲染氛围,自然温暖的轻盈感扑面而来。 Up the stairs, the restaurant's log temperament is warm and moist, and the table is decorated with the same color art flowers. The elegant posture of plants decorates the table, making the overall atmosphere more fresh and lively, and opening a wonderful and harmonious dining time“ People need art and culture to enjoy city life. Decorate the space with natural logs and rattan furniture, render the atmosphere with paintings, and bring a natural and warm light feeling to your face. 主卧将线条、材质作为空间美学形态的手段,构筑一处温文尔雅的睡眠空间,在简约的空间里,光影、材质与色彩互相平衡,没有过度的装饰,优雅且从容。 The master bedroom takes the lines and materials as the means of space aesthetic form to build a gentle sleep space. In the simple space, light and shadow, material and color balance each other, without excessive decoration, elegant and calm. 大自然是最好的装饰,院内绿意正浓,高大的树木挥洒绿荫,让小院成为最美妙的地方。这里有着陶渊明“悠然见南山”之感,掩映了主人栖居自然的复古情怀。 Nature is the best decoration. The green meaning is strong in the courtyard. The tall trees are showcasing the shade, making the courtyard the most beautiful place. There is TaoYuanming "leisurely see the South Mountain" feeling, reflecting the master living in the natural feelings of ancient times. 空间延续着一种看待生活的优雅从容态度,光影的交叠与重奏,时光的脚步,诉说着艺术深入生活的美好故事。 Space continues an elegant and calm attitude towards life, the overlapping and replay of light and shadow, and the pace of time, telling a beautiful story of art going deep into life.
Time is sweet, time is fragrant, time is flowing. The green of youth and the fragrance of old age leave a beautiful life track in every moment. Quietness is a kind of connotation. It is a relief of "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence"; It is a indifference of "originally nothing, where to cause dust", and it is also an emotional appeal that we want to convey in space. A large area of plain color, elegant and advanced, combined with the texture of the material, to create an elegant and comfortable senior atmosphere. The technique of leaving a large area of white space with natural bluestone brings a modern freshness. The collision of different materials makes the space full of level changes. Time light, color, material adhering to the natural truth, create a pure and simple sense of warmth. The flowing light becomes the visual output focus of space, and presents different visual attention with the change of day and night. Natural wood, stone and bluestone are the most natural existence in nature. They are gentle and winding, and the utensils are full of strength in the warmth. The design context is returned to the common feelings of nature, art and human, and gives a good life vision. Wood color builds a modern and quiet home atmosphere, and the wood color and cream white blend to the extreme, and the purpose is pure simplicity and nature. The clean gray of the living room creates a quiet and elegant atmosphere, and the modern lines outline the artistic mood. Log elements are added to the space to make it more warm and comfortable. Light gauze introduces light into the room to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Ornaments are displayed everywhere, which is quite casual and reflects a sense of returning to tranquility in prosperity. Up the stairs, the restaurant's log temperament is warm and moist, and the table is decorated with the same color art flowers. The elegant posture of plants decorates the table, making the overall atmosphere more fresh and lively, and opening a wonderful and harmonious dining time“ People need art and culture to enjoy city life. Decorate the space with natural logs and rattan furniture, render the atmosphere with paintings, and bring a natural and warm light feeling to your face. The master bedroom takes the lines and materials as the means of space aesthetic form to build a gentle sleep space. In the simple space, light and shadow, material and color balance each other, without excessive decoration, elegant and calm. Nature is the best decoration. The green meaning is strong in the courtyard. The tall trees are showcasing the shade, making the courtyard the most beautiful place. There is TaoYuanming "leisurely see the South Mountain" feeling, reflecting the master living in the natural feelings of ancient times. Space continues an elegant and calm attitude towards life, the overlapping and replay of light and shadow, and the pace of time, telling a beautiful story of art going deep into life.