[Iron Box of an Island] Post-90s couples house
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 86平方米   Area : 86sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2022-03-20    Completion Date : 2022-03-20
  • 设计师 : 白倬凡   Designer : Bai Zhuofan
  • 摄影 : 方立明、司成毅   Photographer : Fang Liming Si Chengyi
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 白川建筑设计   Official Name : WR
  • 官网/公众号 : 白川建筑设计事务所(公众号)   Website/Official Accounts : 白川建筑设计事务所(WeChat)
[Iron Box of an Island] Post-90s couples house  【半岛铁盒】北京90后夫妻自住宅
这是一套装满90后生活元素的公寓。业主为一对小夫妻,两人因滑雪相识,除了冬季出门滑雪,剩下大部分的业余时间都是在家度过。 设计师意图还原两人的精神世界,风格融合了业主成长过程中的文化元素,比如《星球大战》感的荒漠线条与沙土色、复古未来主义的金属元素和雕塑感十足却以ABS和聚乙烯为原料的前卫家具。 开放展示区和折叠门柜体中,摆放着业主收藏的唱片、书和滑雪板,设计师以抽象和具象相结合的方式,复原了业主本人的精神世界,是与业主喜好完美契合的空间设计。
This is a compact apartment full of 1990`s nostalgia. The owner are a young couple who met through their love of skiing. Apart from going skiing in the winter, they spend the majority of their free time in their house。 In our interior projects,designer intends to restore their spiritual world, and the style combines cultural elements of the owner's growth process, such as Star Wars' desert lines and sandy soil color, retro futurism's metal elements, and modern furniture full of sculpture but made of ABS or polyethylene. The exhibition area and the folding door cabinet are filled with the owner's collection of LP, books, and snowboards. The designer abstractly and concretely restores the owner's own spiritual world, resulting in a space design that perfectly matches the owner's preferences.