UIXIU Boutique
  • 城市 : 青岛   City : Qingdao
  • 面积 : 152m²
  • 完成日期 : 2022-06-16    Completion Date : 2022-06-16
  • 设计师 : 李俊鹏   Designer : Jump Lee
  • 摄影 : yuuuunstudio
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 今朝风日好   Official Name : One Fine Day Studio & Partners
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.ofdsp.com
UIXIU Boutique  UIXIU买手店
受青岛本土买手品牌尤宿UIXIU委托,今朝风日好(One Fine Day Studio & Partners,以下简称ofD)为其打造了位于老牌高级百货海信广场中的第四家店铺,委托方希望新门店呈现的氛围是复古时髦,贴合所在场地气质,并能容纳新加入的古典中式风格品牌。 ofD以古罗马的建筑美学为灵感构建店面形象,兼取宏大的秩序庄严感与日常的实用主义,使用具有不朽气息的天然石料为主材质,打造亘古感与盎然生机相融的空间美学,用视觉语言呼应买手店的精神内核,即以独到眼光挑选精品,在流转的时尚风潮中延续审美格调。 在缤纷的百货商场体系中凸显品牌特质,ofD的着手点是放大材质与色彩的感官张力,以视觉重量与变幻色调为吸引力,以秩序感与实用性为导向,利用不同的材质观感与触感,引发富有变化的线下购物体验。 立于实用主义的空间规划,落于细节打磨的美学概念,ofD以多样的色彩与质感制造层次与对话,将整体氛围导向一种具有感召力的诗意,亦静亦动,时而清晰,时而微妙,留有回味的空间体验也丰富了UIXIU的品牌形象。
Commissioned by UIXIU, a local multi-brand boutique of Qingdao, One Fine Day Studio & Partners(refer to as ofD) conceived its fourth store located in the luxury shopping mall Hisense Plaza. The client demanded a retro and slick mood for the new fit-out in order to fit in with the stylish mall context and provide a suitable milieu for the upcoming classic Chinese style collections. Looking to the Ancient Roman architecture aesthetics for inspiration, ofD brought a solemn and grandiose sensibility and pragmatism spatial order into the location, using natural stone materials as main components to build a space aesthetic that blends the sense of eternity and vibrancy, echoing the curated boutique’s ethos — selecting the finest and maintaining the style through ups and downs of fashion trends. The starting point for the design is to amplify the sensory attraction of materials and colors to distinct the brand’s characteristics among its variegated mall neighbors. Using visual weight and varying hues, and following the guide of order and practicability, as visual and tactile stimulations of materials bring to mind the delicacy of fabrics and craftsmanship, ofD took a design approach with a focus on textures to create an impressive offline shopping experience.