UC Naturel Aroma Lab
  • 城市 : 中国 广州   City : Guangzhou,China
  • 面积 : 450 ㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-03-30    Completion Date : 2022-03-30
  • 设计师 : 设计总监:郑铮 Zen   Designer : Design director: Zen Zheng
  • 摄影 : 黄早慧   Photographer : Zaohui Huang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : leaping creative 立品设计   Official Name : leaping creative
  • 官网/公众号 : https://www.leapingcreative.com/
UC Naturel Aroma Lab  云惜香气研究所
云惜是纯天然芳疗个护品牌,立品以“自然能量译者”为核心概念,帮助云惜梳理和建立具有差异化的品牌体系。空间体验场景、品牌视觉、产品包装及品牌文化内容均围绕这一概念,从不同维度演绎品牌精神。 云惜香气研究所共三层,一层为艺术展厅,二三层为品牌办公区域。整个空间独享时代方洲半岛的静谧与灵动,在相对有限的空间里,艺术展厅除了实现几大基本功能,更多是回归人的体验情绪,让人和气味成为空间的主角。 在立品为云惜重新梳理的品牌精神内核中,圆代表了大自然的力量,圆的稳定给人感官的宁静与慰藉。这种持续恒久的力量成为云惜品牌的核心精神,并最终以“圆”作为视觉系统核心概念,生成与产品原料、工艺、香气、体验一一对应的四个维度。 立品以“透光的容器”为概念,打造了一个可呼吸的光影盒子。承载产品体验的中岛台成为空间的功能核心,以树影肌理金属板做成的logo墙为背景,围绕中岛台定点铺设水磨石,形成向外零星发散的效果,也象征香气扩散和能量传递。空间的另一侧是调香区,背景墙上云惜创始人的配方手稿,记录着品牌一路走来的产品开发历程,成为整个空间的场所精神,层叠排列的原料瓶和原木操作台,还原云惜产品开发的配置场景,鼓励来访者亲自感受植物香精的能量。分享区可举办与品牌或者香气体验有关的活动,与其他功能区域共同构成完整的体验动线和空间场域。立品团队还设置了外摆休息区,除了“引入”,我们还希望来访者可以“走进”自然,与自然进行一场简单的对话。 作为纯天然芳疗护肤品牌,云惜一直强调萃取自大自然的香气能给人疗愈作用。基于大量的市场调研和前策,立品为云惜提炼“连接、自然、成长”的品牌关键词,以蕴含自然力量和生机的“圆”为核心概念,结合自然植物的造型转译,视觉化表达原料、工艺、香气和体验交织出的情绪疗愈状态:舒缓治愈、放松平和、愉悦舒展、平衡专注。
By taking “translator of natural energy” as the brand positioning, Leaping Creative helped establish a differential image for aromatherapy skincare brand UC Naturel from brand visual identity, product packaging to brand culture. The UC Naturel lab was based right at the tip of a peninsula. Designers transformed the original facade into a sandy-toned one. Combined with a light-permeable window, it showed a rustic and serene atmosphere on the riverbank, creating a quiet, spiritual place that dialogues with nature. The building was layered into three floors. The first floor was a showroom, while the other two were office areas. The showroom included basic functions: a product experience area, an aroma blending area, an events area. The central island was a core functional area for product experience, with a bronze metal logo wall with leaves ornament (by a corrosion way) forming its background. Terrazzo pieces were scattered around the island, which symbolized the diffusion of aroma and transfer of energy. The lightweight curved walls of different heights in the center created partitions, which enclosed the space but not isolate it. Thus, the aroma flowed more freely in the space, and visitors can enjoy an uninterrupted flow of experience. By taking the concept of “light-permeable container”, the introduction of light enriched the delicate atmosphere in the interior. Simple and serene Wabi-sabi aesthetics was combined with sustainable materials like terrazzo flooring and texture lacquer walls to create a soft atmosphere in the space. Through creating a concise style space, Leaping Creative intended to encourage visitors to absorb natural energy in a peaceful atmosphere. The spiral staircase connecting the three floors was a metaphor of “circle” in the vertical dimension. In response to the brand’s philosophy of nature advocating and sustainability, the staircase was made of wooden beam and ridge components recycled from local renovated old houses. The entire space enjoyed the tranquility and dynamism of the peninsula. Leaping Creative also designed a leisure area to encourage visitors to stay outdoor. By enjoying gentle breeze and the interplay of light and shadows, they got their mind healed by nature. In terms of brand visual identity, Leaping Creative proposed three brand keywords — “connection, nature, growth” for UC Naturel, as well as the core concept of “circle”, which represented the power and vitality of nature. By incorporating those ideas and translating plant forms, the design team expressed products’ ingredients, making process, aroma and experience through visual symbols, to highlight their healing, calming, relaxing and balancing effects. Product packaging and gift boxes were designed with the adoption of sustainable materials and techniques. The brand’s values and positioning as a “translator of natural energy” was conveyed from multiple dimensions,triggering deep contemplation about the relationship between human and nature.