Xi Hall 囍堂
囍堂位于⼴州从化客天下国际旅游度假区内 ,是⼭⾕中⼀座标志性的建筑 、供新⼈举办婚礼和公共活动的 礼堂。囍堂独特的流线造型提取⾃岭南传统建筑中典型的镬耳屋 。镬耳屋以⼭墙形式为标志, 是岭南传统⺠居的代表之⼀。设计师将镬耳墙抽象化 ,应⽤于建筑东⻄两侧的立⾯,并采⽤负⽚的形式 ,将本应是镬形墙体的位置“打开”,连通了室外景观与室内空间 。两⾯“镬耳墙”之间 ,由⼀⽚双曲⾯的弧形屋⾯连接 ,屋⾯由南向北倾斜 ,呈现优雅的垂坠感 。深⾊的曲线屋⾯如同三⽚悬浮的帷幕在空中飘舞,屋⾯下的结构为⽩⾊,从东⻄侧看 ,内部的⽩⾊结构⼏乎“隐形“。帷幕般的流线屋⾯赋予建筑拥抱式的姿态 ,将自然都揽入怀中 ,营造出⼀个精神和⾃然聚合的空间。
Located in a resort in the outskirts of Guangzhou, the Levitated Curtain is an iconic building for wedding ceremonies and public events.The unique streamline of Xi Hall was inspired from the Wok Room, a traditional residential architecture from Lingnan area of China that featured with wok-handle-shaped pediment. The architect abstracted the shape of a wok wall and applied it to the east and west elevation of Xi Hall, by which two wok-wall-shaped openings were created, connecting the interior to the outdoor landscape. Between the walls with the special openings, there is a curved roof sloping towards the grassland in the north like an elegantly draped curtain. The curtain-like streamlined roof endows the building with an embracing gesture, holding mountains, forests and rivers into its arms, thus a space of spirit and nature was created, allowing more air and light to flow into the building, and bringing out a demeanor of floating in the stillness.