Cabana Parc Central
  • 城市 : 广州   City : Guangzhou
  • 面积 : 890平方米   Area : 890㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-08-15    Completion Date : 2022-08-15
  • 设计师 : 蔡为   Designer : Cai Wei
  • 摄影 : 黄早慧   Photographer : Huang Zaohui
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : +c Architects
  • 官网/公众号 :
Cabana Parc Central  Cabana家具店天环店
Cabana天环店位于广州市中心天环Parc Central购物中心地下一层, 它是一家890平方米的家具店,汇聚了来自世界各地的多个标志性家具品牌。 "惊喜之盒 "的概念利用体量而非墙体在现有的开放式环境中创造分区。空间被8个置入的盒子分成了“内部”和“外部”,模拟出小巷和房子的效果。每个盒子的风格和材料都不一样,就像日常生活中形态各异的居住空间。 展陈团队精心挑选的家具,或以情境式布局摆放在盒子中,或以不同风格的组团散落在盒子间的“外部空间”中,带给人们丰富的参观体验。 材料的选择是基于二十世纪中叶的现代主义美学。彩色大理石、瓷砖、砖块、混凝土、质感涂料等基础材料,与纺织品、质感玻璃、温暖的木材等软性材料形成对比。将不同的情绪赋予各种风格的盒子和它们之间的“外部空间”,与琳琅满目的家具陈列形成富有张力的对话。Cabana天环店是一座家具之屋;是过去和未来的对话。
Cabana Parc Central is a furniture store located at the first basement level of Parc Central Mall in Guangzhou city center. It is a 890 square meters furniture store, a place to find multiple iconic furniture brands from all over the world. The concept of Boxes of Surprise and Wonder utilized massing instead of walls as a way to create partition within the existing open plan setting. A total of eight boxes were inserted to form a series of “internal” and “external” spaces that mimic the common setting of alley and houses. Each box is carefully designed with different design language and materiality to symbolize a wide variety of houses in our daily life. A wide variety of selected furniture will be exhibited either within the boxes in a contextual layout or scattered in groups of different styles in the "external" between the boxes, thus ensuring a rich customer experience. Materials are selected based on the mid-century modern aesthetic. Materials such as colored marble, tile, brick, concrete and textured paint are used as base materials. In contrast with soft materials such as textile, textured glass and wood. Cabana Parc Central is a house for furniture; a dialog between the past and the future.