KAIYUAN YUESHU private villa
开元悦墅 私宅别墅
  • 城市 : 杭州   City : HANGZHOU
  • 面积 : 650m²
  • 完成日期 : 2020-12-01    Completion Date : 2020-12-01
  • 设计师 : 万凌宇 王星   Designer : WAN LINGYU ,WANG XING
  • 摄影 : 瀚墨摄影   Photographer : HANMO
  • 官网/公众号 : 木维设计   Website/Official Accounts : MO DESIGN
KAIYUAN YUESHU private villa  开元悦墅 私宅别墅
私宅设计最大的灵感源泉来自业主,如果把私宅设计看成一场行为艺术,这场行为艺术就是设计师和业主共同完成的。 玄关是家的第一印象,体现整个家的氛围,深色木饰面做整体背景,稳重大方,简约的造型通过灯光的烘托,体现出层次感。 客厅把建筑天井扩进来,形成9米长的大客厅,这是主人接待朋友,聚会的场所。 客厅用了两边都能做人的沙发,把客厅分成了两块区域。 楼梯空间,通过灯光和结构的完美结合,让狭小的空间妙趣横生,有了虚实变化。 主卧简约的深色背景凸显床的造型,床头搭配艺术吊灯,大气又不失精致,休闲椅配合一副抽象画,增加了空间的色彩感和艺术氛围 女儿房浅色基调床品搭配时尚的图案。灯具和家具都融合了金属元素,营造出时尚轻奢的调性。
The biggest source of inspiration for private house design comes from the owner. If private house design is regarded as a performance art, this performance art is jointly completed by the designer and the owner. Hallway is the first impression of the home, reflect the atmosphere of whole home, brunet wood facing does integral setting, sedate and easy, contracted modelling passes the foil of lamplight, reflect administrative levels feeling. The living room expands into the courtyard of the building, forming a large living room 9 meters long, which is the place for the host to receive friends and gather. The sitting room used the sofa that both sides can be a person, divided the sitting room into two areas. Stair space, pass lamplight and the perfect union of structure, let narrow space full of humor and interest, had false and real change. The simple dark background of the master bedroom highlights the shape of the bed. The head of the bed is matched with an artistic chandelier, which is elegant and delicate. The leisure chair is matched with an abstract painting, which increases the sense of color and artistic atmosphere of the space。 Daughter room light color fundamental key bed tastes collocation fashionable design. Lamps and furniture are integrated with metal elements, creating a fashionable light luxury tone.