Cat Café in Tianzifang: Tristy of the CATS
  • 城市 : 上海   City : shanghai
  • 面积 : 60m²
  • 完成日期 : 2019-03-01    Completion Date : 2019-03-01
  • 设计师 : 张世杰、杨楠、陈雪琦   Designer : Shijie Zhang, Nan Yang, Xueqi Chen
  • 摄影 : 郑庆龄 张世杰   Photographer : Qingling Zheng, Shijie Zhang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 平介设计   Official Name : Parallect Design
  • 官网/公众号 :
Cat Café in Tianzifang: Tristy of the CATS  田子坊里的撸猫体验馆:猫之一隅
撸猫馆位于上海市著名传统商业街区田子坊内,是一个一层只有一个过道,二层和三层为主要使用空间的非典型商业店铺,需要对空间进行重新设计和改造,成为猫作为原住民和24小时体验性使用者的空间,在为猫提供舒适空间的同时,为铲屎官们提供一个轻松愉悦的与猫互动的场所。 原始二层与三层是一个相对规整的室内环境,墙面斑驳,不适合猫咪的长期生活 改造后,在二层和三层之间置入四个爬梯,其中一个为环形喂食架,方便猫咪从二楼空间直接爬向三楼。后因为空间效果,取消了环形喂食架,整个二层空间有三个猫爬架作为猫咪登高到三层,从地面露出脑袋的快速通道。同时在墙面设置大量的猫窝和猫爬架,供猫咪嬉戏玩耍。将原始的方形大窗也修改成屋形,保持室内完整的猫屋形象。 从入口的门框到墙壁的灯饰到猫咪的爬架和猫窝,考虑到耐久性能,使用白蜡木作为统一的室内装饰材料。 在原始墙面设置屋形门头,提高猫之一隅在拥挤的田子坊街道尺度的可识别性 调整了原始陡峭的踏步,增加台阶,保证铲屎官们体验的安全性。在入口区设置免洗洗手液及拖鞋,保证铲屎官们在进入撸猫馆之前病菌被消灭。同时设置墙壁上的画作作为游客自拍点。 二层爬架的洞口位置,成为了猫咪们极其喜爱的栖息和打斗场所。猫主子们扭着小腰一步一个台阶的向上或者向下爬成为了现场一道亮丽的风景线。 铲屎官们上楼的场所也毫不意外的成为了猫主子们玩耍的地盘,在墙面上采用猫窝的形象,塑造大面积的光源。同时对原有的玻璃窗进行改造,创造一个形制一致的墙面效果 在三层休息区设置屋形固定座位,供客人们更加舒适的撸猫。同时在座位之间设置圆形洞口,保证主子们的来去自如。 由于二层通向三层的猫爬架在三层的地面上造就了三个较大的洞口,会对客人的生命安全产生威胁,在现场设计中,采用漂浮的屋形盒子,阻隔在人行流线的半身处,在视觉上提醒客人下面有惊喜的同时,保证了客人的人身安全。 屋形的猫窝通过开洞和猫爬架相互串联,在墙面上形成一整片活动区,使得猫咪们可以自由玩耍探索。猫爬架形成的特殊光影,也为猫咪们提供了新的趣味。 整个设计从猫咪为起点,设计能让猫咪舒适度最大化的空间,猫作为空间的主体,而人成为了空间的客体。使用三个巨型爬架,塑造一个让猫直接上到三层,从地面嗖的一下露出脑袋的空间,让铲屎官们感受到意外的惊喜。斜插的三个爬架成为空间的主题,让猫咪们有安全感的屋形猫窝在墙上跳动,通过小型爬梯联系猫窝,为主子们创造飞檐走壁的可能性。地面采用柔软的地毯,方便客人们坐在地上享受与猫咪亲近的时光。客人们参与的不过是猫咪生命中的短短一瞬,但却能得到这些可爱生命的馈赠,让整个一天都变得柔软起来。
This cat café locates in the famous Tianzifang commercial area in Shanghai, it’s only has a narrow door connects with the street, main using space are located on the second and third floor. It’s not a typical commercial space design, it’s a renovation project of the old housing. Cats are the main users of the whole space every day. To provide a comfortable and playable space for cats and provide a chilling space for customers are the design target. The original second and third floor is a simple space with really rough wall which is not a nice living space for cats. During the design process, four ladders are added in to the space to provide a new way for cats to climb from the second floor to the third floor. In the later process, one of the ladders for feeding is cancelled in case the space is too full. On the wall, a lot of cat houses and ladders are settled for cats to play around. The original window is also changed to a cat house shape, the decoration lights are also cat shape in order to keep the overall image of cat houses. European ash is used as the main material inside the whole space. Housing shape is also used on the original wall façade, it’s also a way to distinguish from the other shops on the street to make sure that this cat café could be noticed though it does not have a show window. The original steep staircase is also redesigned to make sure that it’s safe for all the customers. Hand sanitizer and flip flop are served at the entrance to ensure that all the bacterial is killed before entering the space to protect all the kitties. Wall paper are designed for customers to take selfies. The hole on the third floor become the most favorite space for the cats. Cats always love to play around these three holes. Cats climbing the ladders also become an interesting scene in the café. The staircase for customers become a playground for cats without doubt. Lighting on the wall are cat house shaped and also the original square window is changed to the house shape to create a harmony atmosphere. Fixed resting area on the third floor is designed in order to provide a more comfortable area for customers. At the same time, round holes between the resting seats are designed to ensure that cats can jump through. Because the connection ladders create three large holes on the ground of third floor which might put customers lives at risk. So we designed hanging cat houses in the air to remind customers there is something below and also to protect them from stepping into the hole. Houseshaped cat housing and ladders are connected so that cats could discover and play by themselves. The shadow of the ladders and houses are also a special place for cats. This design started from the cats, to provide a comfortable playground for cats. Cats are the owners of the space, and people become passers. Three huge ladders are designed for cats to climb to the third floor and suddenly show them in front of the customers. Cat houses provide kitties a safe place to stay and ladders are for them to climb and jump. Customers can enjoy the time with cats on the floor. The day would be light up after you spend some time in this cat café.