A minimalist flat with its own Bulgari aura
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 75
  • 完成日期 : 2022-08-24    Completion Date : 2022-08-24
  • 设计师 : 刘畅   Designer : Chang Liu
  • 摄影 : 立明   Photographer : Ming Li
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NOTHING DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 : www.nothingdesign.cn
A minimalist flat with its own Bulgari aura  自带宝格丽气场的极简公寓
项目位于北京市石景山玉泉西里,作为滑雪爱好者的年轻的夫妻希望新的室内空间能够满足雪具及户外装备的收纳,在此基础上,空间尽量做到开敞通透。 起居模块通过解构空间关系重新梳理动线,满足功能需求的同时强调社交属性,各个交互界面不再只是生硬的叠加关系。 克制而简洁的布置催生出室内自在的秩序感,空间整体以无所阻隔的方式营造出电影般一镜到底的视觉感受。
The project is located in Yuquan Xili, Shijingshan, Beijing. The young couple, who are skiers, wanted the new interior space to accommodate the storage of snow equipment and outdoor gear, and on top of this, the space to be as open and airy as possible. The living module re-organises the movement lines by deconstructing the spatial relationships to meet functional needs while emphasising social attributes, and the interaction interfaces are no longer just a rigid superimposition. The restraint and simplicity of the layout creates a sense of order in the interior, and the space as a whole is unobstructed in a way that creates a cinematic, mirror-like visual experience.