Centennial Documentation Exhibition of Soochow Silk Factory
  • 城市 : 苏州   City : suzhou
  • 面积 : 300
  • 完成日期 : 2023-06-15    Completion Date : 2023-06-15
  • 设计师 : 邓云升   Designer : dillon deng
  • 摄影 : 万物万相 
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 万物观archiview.studio   Official Name : archiview.studio
  • 官网/公众号 : https://archiviewstudio.lofter.com/
Centennial Documentation Exhibition of Soochow Silk Factory  东吴丝织厂的百年文献展 
项目为中国丝绸档案馆(苏州)的东吴丝织厂的百年文献展设计的展览空间。设计意图融入现代的内建筑手法与苏州园林的结构特定,以展现一个充满趣味与体验感的空间。展览空间的墙面设计采用了长方形和圆形的基础体块进行组合,形成墙体,并且相互不连接,形成10公分的间隙,形成光的入口。仿佛园林中的光线穿过窗洞和门洞,营造出方寸之间自有天地的感受。 在整体规划方面,展览空间在相对空间不大的情况下,被设计成一条曲折的路径,引导观众在其中流动,仿佛漫步于苏州园林之中。通过错落有致的墙面开口,圆形和曲面元素的相互作用下,观众在展览过程中能够不断地发现新的展品和视觉体验,提升了整体的趣味性和吸引力。 展示区域的设计充分考虑了东吴丝织厂的展览作品。展品被巧妙地陈列在墙面的不规则开口、圆形和曲面元素中,展示出丰富的文献和历史资料。观众可以近距离欣赏到丝绸厂的珍贵文献,在互动区还设置了可旋转的小窗,让人可以与之互动,欣赏各种艳丽的纹样的同时,加深对东吴丝织厂历史的理解和认知。 空间色彩上,在白色展墙的记整体基调上,提取了苏州丝绸纹样中,具有代表特色的一抹紫色。在核心的焦点造型空间中运用,不但形成强烈的打卡点,还对观众的参观路径形成自然的吸引。真正形成苏州园林中的一步一景色的视觉感官。 灯光布置在展览空间中起到重要的作用。除了基础的照明,通过墙体开口将自然光线与原有场地光线引入展厅内部,形成巧妙的借光手法。通过引入光线,营造出空间的层次感和变化,也让展品得到合适的照明,突出其细节和质感,营造出干净的展览氛围。 此外,展览空间中的展示道具和展示板块也与整体设计相得益彰。展示道具采用简约的体块,突出展品的自身的美感。版面设计充分考虑了信息传达的效果和观众的阅读体验,通过合理的排版和图文结合,使展品的内容生动有趣地展示给观众。
The project is a space designed for the Centennial Documentation Exhibition of Dongwu Silk Factory in China Silk Archives (Suzhou). The design intention integrates modern interior architectural techniques and the specific structure of Suzhou gardens to present a space full of fun and experience. The wall design of the exhibition space adopts the combination of rectangular and circular basic blocks to form a wall, and they are not connected to each other, forming a gap of 10 cm to form the entrance of light. It seems that the light in the garden passes through the window openings and door openings, creating a feeling of a world within a square inch. In terms of overall planning, the exhibition space is designed as a tortuous path in a relatively small space, guiding the audience to flow in it, as if walking in a Suzhou garden. Through the well-proportioned wall openings and the interaction of circular and curved elements, the audience can continuously discover new exhibits and visual experiences during the exhibition, which enhances the overall interest and attraction. The design of the exhibition area fully considers the exhibition works of Soochow Silk Factory. Exhibits are artfully arranged within irregular openings, circular and curved elements of the walls, revealing a wealth of documentary and historical material. The audience can appreciate the precious documents of the silk factory at close range. A small rotatable window is also set up in the interactive area, so that people can interact with it, appreciate various gorgeous patterns, and deepen their understanding and understanding of the history of the Soochow Silk Factory. cognition.