Huaxi Peninsula Marketing Center
  • 城市 : 黑龙江省哈尔滨市   City : Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
  • 面积 : 775㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-10-01    Completion Date : 2020-10-01
  • 设计师 : 主创设计师:辛明雨 参与设计:张君秋、马玉滢、罗洋   Designer : Main designer: Xin Mingyu participated in the desi
  • 摄影 : 摄影师:辛明雨   Photographer : Photographer: Xin Mingyu
  • 官网/公众号 : 唯美同想   Website/Official Accounts : Aesthetic thinking
Huaxi Peninsula Marketing Center  花溪半岛营销中心
设计说明: 在忙碌的生活中总是会些许疲惫,从而向往自然带给人们的放松。放下忙碌, 解刨自然,感受自然,把自己融入到自然中去。从自然场景中提取主题元素,是氛围美学的极致表达。弱对比中产生丰富的调性。通过多样化的设计手法呈现放 松自然的空间设计。 空间造型以花瓣元素为主,向往自然,表达内心对艺术的宁静享受。可爱的 吹气球小孩、鸣叫的小鹿、飞舞的飞虫、飘落的花瓣、浪漫的花艺......让人心生 向往,悠闲自在。花瓣一片片都是那样的淡雅,幽静,令人赏心悦目。每一阵的 微风细拂,给您舒适的艺术视觉享受。这些设计将物境、情境、意境融为一体, 并通过装饰、色彩等元素表达,把设计理念直观的凸显出来。从生活的本质出发, 以童真的设计演绎最本质的现代美学。 设计向往诗和远方,还要尊重内心感受。流畅的艺术感造型线条,打破单调 空间,让空间充满艺术气息又不失美感。时光精美,诗意与岁月共存,流年清欢, 简单与精致同在。
Design Description: In a busy life, you will always be a little tired, so you yearn for the relaxation brought by nature. Let go of busyness, understand nature, feel nature, and integrate yourself into nature. Extracting theme elements from natural scenes is the ultimate expression of atmosphere aesthetics. Weak contrast produces rich tonality. Through a variety of design techniques, it presents a relaxed and natural space design. The space modeling is mainly composed of petal elements, yearning for nature and expressing the quiet enjoyment of art. Lovely balloon blowing children, singing deer, flying insects, falling petals, romantic flower art... Let people yearn and relax. The petals are so elegant, quiet and pleasing. Every breeze gives you comfortable artistic visual enjoyment. These designs integrate the physical environment, situation and artistic conception, and intuitively highlight the design concept through the expression of elements such as decoration and color. Starting from the essence of life, this paper deduces the most essential modern aesthetics with childlike design. Design yearns for poetry and distance, but also respects inner feelings. The smooth artistic modeling lines break the monotonous space and make the space full of artistic flavor without losing beauty. Time is exquisite, poetic and time coexist, fleeting time is clear and happy, and simplicity and refinement coexist.