  • 城市 : 重庆   City : chongqing
  • 面积 : 140
  • 完成日期 : 2020-08-08    Completion Date : 2020-08-08
  • 设计师 : mils项涛   Designer : mils
  • 摄影 : 刘思瑶   Photographer : Simao liu
  • 官网/公众号 : kongyu design
Twilight  暮
暮是标准的年轻三口之家居住,改善现有的居所环境是他们的目的,喜欢简单自然的生活,喜欢空间有一些质感又有些许情调,才开始设计的时候女主刚刚生了小宝宝,这里也是计划孩子长大一些,上幼儿园所的居所。在设计之前女主就给看了一些上世纪50,60年代的中古家具Mid-Century Modern (Design)和设计设计空间,喜欢复古而有温度的空间。暮,太阳渐落在草丛中,日落时分余晖会 洒进公共空间,有了光的加持,房里温馨而美好。如果一定要归一种风格强调空间,我们会用纳维亚风格来表达,强调着设计中的人文因素,避免过于刻板和严酷的几何形式,从而使空间产生了一种富于“人情味”的现代美学,空间有着多样性和传统性的融合,还有着对形式和装饰的克制,形式与功能上的一致和对于自然材料的欣赏,这亦是我们一直所想表达的设计情感,装饰的灵魂是设计,设计的灵魂是文化。一尘不染素净澄明。用平静的心灵看世界,利用淡淡的家具布局把原有的空间净化,把气质和品位含蓄地表现出来…
Twilight is a standard living for a young family of three, and their purpose is to improve the existing living environment. They like a simple and natural life, and like the space to have some texture and some emotional appeal. When they started the design, the woman had just given birth to a baby, and this is also the residence where the child is planned to grow up and go to kindergarten. Before the Design, the heroine showed some mid-century Modern furniture and Design space in the 50s and 60s. She likes retro and warm space. In the evening, the sun gradually sets in the grass, and the last rays of sunset will sprinkle into the public space. With the blessing of light, the room is warm and beautiful. If must belong to a kind of style emphasizes the space, we will use the scandinavians style to express, emphasizes the design of the humanistic factors, avoid too rigid and severe form of geometry, so as to make the space produced a "human" of modern aesthetics, space diversity and traditional fusion, and the restraint to form and decoration, The consistency of form and function and the appreciation of natural materials are also the design emotions we always want to express. The soul of decoration is design, and the soul of design is culture. Spotless and pure. See the world with calm mind, use light furniture layout to purify the original space, temperament and grade implicit performance...