Home of wabi-sabi style
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 64
  • 完成日期 : 2020-11-28    Completion Date : 2020-11-28
  • 设计师 : 刘畅   Designer : Liu Chang
  • 摄影 : 立明   Photographer : Li Ming
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : NOTHING DESIGN工作室   Official Name : NOTHING DESIGN STUDIO
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.nothingdesign.cn/
Home of wabi-sabi style  侘寂风的家
这是套19年设计的房子,设计的时候希望营造出一种自然舒适的氛围,比如通过粘土的颜色,藤编家具,温暖的色调去呈现这种氛围,结果一不小心就装成了现在正热门的侘寂风,所以干脆就当这是套是侘寂风的家吧哈哈。业主是一对刚结婚的90后夫妻,自主创业广告公司,家中两只猫一只狗,我觉得他们是对生活很有仪式感的人,对于人生中的重大事件总能很有仪式感渡过,所以为了让以后生活也充满仪式感,所以房子的设计就交给了我。为了营造出自然整体的感觉,材质上用暖色有机理的艺术漆涂料涂刷了墙面和顶面,让风格的感觉更强烈,地面使用同样暖灰色的米耐岩(微水泥)涂刷,让墙顶地的风格融为一体,赤脚踩在地面上感觉也非常温润 设计的时候希望在自然侘寂的基础上有一些现代感和艺术的氛围,所以在家具的选择上搭配一个白色圆柱象腿造型的餐桌,呈现出几何感,金属元素的餐椅,飞碟吊灯又能带来现代和潮流的感觉,使整体搭配既自然温暖,又有设计和艺术的感觉,餐厅墙面挂了一副日落光晕风格的装饰画,抽象的光晕图案很有装饰感。客厅的设计比较简单,硬装除了墙面和地面的材质没有任何多余造型 家具的选择上希望营造出时尚又有点复古的感觉,所以沙发和茶几都选择了经典设计款,有金属元素也能显得更精致现代感一些,藤编的地毯和沙发椅就作为呈现自然感的元素,沙发背后暗红色的纯色油画用来点缀空间,让空间有一些温暖的颜色。因为考虑到卧室面积比较小,为了让空间更好的利用,所以卧室的床,收纳柜,衣柜全部是设计好让柜子厂家配合定制的,床下布置抽屉方便储物,床头隔板可以放置一些物品,橡木色的搭配也能给卧室带来一些温馨的感受。
This is a house designed in 19 years. When designing, I wanted to create a natural and comfortable atmosphere, such as through the color of clay, rattan furniture, and warm tones to present this atmosphere, but the result was accidentally installed into the now popular wabi-sabi style, so simply consider this a set of wabi-sabi home haha. The owners are a newly married couple after 90 years, self-employed advertising company, two cats and a dog at home, I think they are very ritualistic about life, for the major events in life can always be very ritualistic through, so in order to make the future life is also full of ritual, so the design of the house was given to me. In order to create a natural overall feeling, the walls and roof were painted with warm organic art paint to give a stronger sense of style, and the floor was painted with the same warm gray Minerite (micro-cement) to make the style of the wall and roof blend together. The dining room wall is hung with a pair of sunset halo style decorative paintings, the abstract halo pattern is very decorative. The design of the living room is relatively simple, hard furnishings in addition to wall and floor materials without any extra shape The choice of furniture hopes to create a stylish and somewhat retro feeling, so the sofa and coffee table are selected classic design models, metal elements can also appear more sophisticated sense of modernity, rattan rug and sofa chairs as an element to present a sense of nature, the sofa behind the dark red solid color oil painting used to embellish the space, so that the space There are some warm colors. Because the bedroom area is relatively small, in order to make better use of space, so the bedroom bed, storage cabinets, closets are all designed to allow cabinet manufacturers to cooperate with the custom, under the bed arrangement drawers to facilitate storage, bedside dividers can be placed some items, oak color with the bedroom can also bring some warm feelings.