Xuji Seafood Restaurant Mixc World
  • 城市 : 西安   City : Xi'an
  • 面积 : 960 ㎡ 
  • 完成日期 : 2022-02-16    Completion Date : 2022-02-16
  • 设计师 : 吴为   Designer : Wei Wu
  • 摄影 : 郑焰   Photographer : Yan Zheng
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : IN.X屋里门外设计    Official Name : IN.X Design
  • 官网/公众号 : www.inxid.com
Xuji Seafood Restaurant Mixc World  徐记海鲜万象天地店
设计师为徐记海鲜在960㎡的空间里绘制了一个深邃灵动的“大背景”——壮阔海岸绵延伸展、深蓝海水流深、北方城池巍巍驻立。浩然背景之上,人群灵动、谈笑声与海水鼓动的泡沫声交织、灯光温柔泼洒、三餐如约开席。   在徐记海鲜的空间景观里,海洋与大陆的交汇被巧妙地呈现出来。屋面在垂直方向被剖为四层,彼此交叠错落,再以大流线布满整个天花,交叠处埋入灯带勾勒,“奔流”然后在视线尽处消失——绵延海岸悬浮于头顶,白色浪潮则凝固为灵动蜿蜒的照明系统,巨幅海洋背景转化为空间雕塑,将一切笼于其下。 作为海鲜类餐饮品牌的领军代表,徐记海鲜凭借其精良的出品在餐饮江湖拥有了一席地位,在市场新需求的催化下一方面高速向前发展,另一面则要将根系扎得更牢更实。以“策略餐饮”为设计理念的IN.X屋里门外正是通过万象天地店将品牌基因进行全新的强化和升级,在此基础上,吴为又以西安城市与地域风貌为品牌基因加持,使新空间的差异性与在地性兼顾,它也将作为徐记海鲜的全新名片,交至新老食客的手中。
The designer drew a deep and flexible "big background" in the 960 square meters space - where the magnificent coast stretches, the deep blue water flows deep, and the northern city stands tall and upright. On the grand background, the crowd is agile; the chatter and laughter are intertwined with the foaming sound of the sea water; the lights are gently scattered; and the meals start as scheduled. In the spatial landscape of Xuji Seafood Restaurant, the intersection of the ocean and the continent is subtly presented. The roof is vertically divided into four layers, overlapping with each other, and covering the entire ceiling with large streamlines. The intersections are embedded with light strips to outline the "rolling streams" which disappear at the end of sight - the stretching coast is suspended overhead, where the white wave solidifies into a flexible and winding lighting system; thus, the huge ocean background transforms into a space sculpture, covering everything under it. As a leading representative of seafood catering brands, Xuji Seafood has a position in the catering arena with its excellent dishes. Under the catalysis of new market demands, it is developing rapidly; meanwhile, it needs to strengthen its roots more firmly. With the design concept of "Strategic Catering", IN.X has completely strengthened and upgraded its brand genes through the Xuji Seafood Restaurant Mixc World. Besides, with the regional features of Xi'an, the diversity and locality are taken into account in the space design. The project will be handed over to the hands of new and old diners as a brand new business card of Xuji Seafood.