Liquid Office
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 1200 平方米   Area : 1200 sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2022-07-27    Completion Date : 2022-07-27
  • 设计师 : 主设计师:Thomas Dariel 设计师:Marco Montanucci, Enrique Z   Designer : Leading Designer:Thomas Dariel, Designer:Marco Mon
  • 摄影 : Derryck Menere
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 莱盟迪塞纳室内设计事务所   Official Name : Dariel Studio
  • 官网/公众号 : DarielStudio室内设计 /
Liquid Office  栗壳办公室
本项目坐落于上海市中心,由Dariel Studio的创始人和首席设计师Thomas Dariel为栗壳广告公司进行定制化设计,打造出这个时尚简约、轻松惬意的办公空间。 设计师选用“仿生学”的概念,从“根茎”、“菌类”、“珊瑚”、“多肉植物”等多种元素中汲取灵感,以设计语言和多样化的材质诠释自然生态,将1200平的面积顺势划分为四个主题区域,包含接待区、4个办公分区、8个不同大小的会议室,以及2个用餐休闲区域。 在木质和白色为主的基调下,设计师选取低饱和度的色彩区分不同的区域,并以少量色彩作为点缀,凸显自然生态的雅致氛围。 在材质的选用上,设计师将木质和金属材料巧妙地进行搭配组合,凸显出轻盈的造型和色彩的灵动,让整个空间充满自然环境状态下的动态感和呼吸感。
The latest office project designed by Dariel Studio is located in the downtown of Shanghai. Thomas Dariel, founder and leading designer of Dariel Studio, has been designated to work on the entire space, transforming the original space which boosts brilliant sunshine and an outstanding city perspective, into a stylish, simple, yet comfortable and cosy working space for Liquid Group, an integrated advertising agency. The design of this office is inspired by the concept of Biomimicry, which is the design and production of materials, systems and technologies based on the solutions that the natural world adopts. In this case, the designer is inspired by “Roots”, “Fungi”, “Coral”, “Succulents”, and interprets their natural systems with design language, to represent the infinite evolution of creativity. In accordance to the flow, the designer naturally arranged this floor of 1200 sqm into 4 main sections, including 4 working hubs, 1 reception, 8 meeting rooms, 1 townhall and 1 pantry. Widely used wood and white tone, the designer chose low saturation colours to distinguish the sections, and dotted the space with delightful colours to bring out the natural touch of the design. The designer also skillfully paired wood and metal together to boosts the dynamism, also to reduce the weighty sensation and create more space to breathe.
working hub - fungi inspiration
working hub - coral inspiration
working hub - flower inspiration
working hub - succulents inspiration
Board room
Partition wall
Curve wall