China Resources Central Park showroom
  • 城市 : 内蒙古呼和浩特市   City : Hohhot
  • 面积 : 108㎡   Area : 108
  • 完成日期 : 2022-07-31    Completion Date : 2022-07-31
  • 设计师 : 王少青、马宝华、荣蕾   Designer : Wang Shaoqing ,Ma Baohua, Rong Lei
  • 摄影 : 深圳市释相艺术文化传播有限公司   Photographer : Shenzhen Shixiang art and Culture Communication Co., Ltd
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 赛拉维设计CLV.DESIGN   Official Name : CLV.DESIGN
  • 官网/公众号 : 赛拉维DESIGN
China Resources Central Park showroom  华润中央公园样板间
中央公园地块位于赛罕区核心地段,紧邻秋岭公园、万达广场(在建),周边生活配套齐全、交通便利。目标地块位于成熟板块,区位优渥、配套成熟、客户认可,具备品质改善素质。年轻便是天生就带着好奇心,越是封闭未知越想步入其中,在虚拟和真实交叠的世界,做 “头号玩家”,打破界限,满足我们对于家的一切想象与需求,探索对未来生活场景的无限畅想。三房设计,兑现华润置地打造性价比优势产品的理念。客厅及两个卧室,三个南向面宽,实现最大限度采光,格局方正、南北通透,动线合理,超高得房率。无论两人世界三口之家、二孩家庭,三代同堂,每一个房间都具有足够的生活尺度。无论是年轻态的潮玩之家,还是奢华典雅的居所,舒展而适切的生活方式是家人们的共同追求,在亲切度深的空间中,任何与之对抗的设计都只能是徒劳,而真正被岁月证明的设计会随着时间的推移,让房子越来越有味道,家人恬然共生,不胜欢愉。
The Central Park site is located in the core area of Saihan District, close to Qiu Ling Park and Wanda Plaza (under construction), with complete surrounding living facilities and convenient transportation. The target site is located in a mature area, with excellent location, mature supporting facilities and customer recognition, and has quality improvement qualities. Young is born with curiosity, the more closed to the unknown the more you want to step into it, in the world where virtual and real overlap, to be the "number one player", to break the boundaries, to meet all our imagination and needs for home, to explore the infinite imagination of future life scenes. The three-bedroom design, fulfilling CR Land's concept of creating cost-effective advantageous products. The living room and two bedrooms have three south-facing facades to maximize light, with a square layout, north-south ventilation, reasonable circulation, and a high room-getting ratio. Whether it is a family of two or three, a family with two children or a family with three generations, every room has enough living scale. Whether it is a young and trendy home or a luxurious and elegant residence, a spacious and appropriate way of life is the common pursuit of the family.