Banyan Tree Nanjing Garden Expo
  • 城市 : 南京   City : Nanjing
  • 面积 : 35000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-10-31    Completion Date : 2021-10-31
  • 设计师 : CCD香港郑中设计事务所   Designer : CCD/Cheng Chung Design (HK) Ltd.
  • 摄影 : 王厅   Photographer : SensoryDesign-WangTing
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : CCD香港郑中设计事务所   Official Name : Cheng Chung Design (HK) Ltd.
  • 官网/公众号 :
Banyan Tree Nanjing Garden Expo  南京园博园悦榕庄酒店
酒店位于汤山之上,由于开采和破坏,景观与生态遭到严重破坏,这里变为一片满目疮痍的百年工业遗址,而生态修复是重要课题。为了达到建筑空间与自然融合的目的,在设计材料的选择上,设计师强调尊重生态系统的可持续性概念,使用天然材料,将汤山本地废弃石灰岩矿山的光、石、林、雨等元素解构重塑,以大自然作为创作的媒介,构造出一处富有艺术整体性情景的“矿谷秘境”。 空间设计是破茧重生的过程,设计师从“孕育•破茧•新生”的生命规律获得灵感,奠定了空间创作的精神追寻和艺术想象。前台和中餐厅入口以两种截然不同的形式呈现弧线造型的柔和与圆润感,通过对空间的重塑以给予空间破茧重生的蜕变感。设计师将“光之谷”形态融入大堂吧空间。基于峡谷的幽深和变幻,空间将体块进行曲面工艺切割,运用自然的色彩呈现淡雅的质感,以承自然形态,透过变化的结构丰富空间的探索性。全日餐以光影的流动为行为动线,将情感体验升华于每一处布局和细节中,构筑一个明暗成趣的现代诗意空间。
The hotel is located on the top of Tangshan Mountain. After a long period of mining, there was little greenery left on the mountain, leaving only bare soil and stones exposed. CCD team contemplated on how to ensure the functionality of the design while blending it to the surroundings to contribute to ecological restoration. To blend the architecture into nature, the designers adopted natural materials. The team believes that design is not only about form but more importantly is about becoming a part of natural environment. The selection of materials emphasizes sustainability and the respect to ecosystem. Taking nature as the medium of creation, the natural materials create a holistic, artistic scene. Based on the site’s conditions and the design intention, the designers created a “Valley of light” in the lobby bar. Taking advantage of the depth and variations of the valley, the space is curved and cut to present a natural scale and inclusiveness, making the guests feel as if they’re surrounded by a natural canyon. The designers conceived this space as an adventurous tour. Walking along the mountain trail to explore further and further, the guests feel like they’re standing on a cliff against the backdrop of sunset. Natural hues set the overall spatial tone. The whole space is light and elegant, and incorporates natural forms. It is enriched by varied structures, creating more possibilities for spatial exploration. Art integrates into the space in various forms, provoking thoughts on the relationship between people, space and nature through creativity and rich imagination. The limestone cliff of the quarry appears bleak and broken, but its magnificent scale is astonishing. Through the years, plants have quietly grown between the rock layers, and formed a beautiful texture on the stone cliff in the quarry. The entire quarry cliff looks like a natural landscape painting, which inspired the design team. The vitality of the space relies on sustainable ecology, and is relevant to the continuation of the site’s context. The designers brought the natural rocks of Tangshan Mountain into the interior. The rocks, eroded by winds and rain, show the traces of nature and enable the interior space to fully blend with nature. Meanwhile, the rocks also echo the spirit of the site while carrying the memories of nature. Poetic scenes, rustic textures and contemporary art blend in a sophisticated yet moderate manner. The artwork “Eye of Tangshan Mountain” triggers the site’s memory while connecting the design with art and cultural context.