A piece of memory
  • 城市 : 台北   City : Taipei
  • 面积 : 198㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-01    Completion Date : 2021-12-01
  • 设计师 : 卓思齐   Designer : Angelo Cho
  • 摄影 : 卓思齐   Photographer : Angelo Cho
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 璧川设计事务所   Official Name : Beatrix Design Firm
  • 官网/公众号 : www.beatrixdesign.cn
A piece of memory  吉光片羽
一进门的玄关是一处中继站,让入门即见餐厨一线、迈步即往卧室私间,或者一转即来到和室平台。一块巨型老木作为暂时歇脚的浮标,每每从世俗步入山林仙境,双手一撒,便能脱去身外之物、抛开忧扰杂念。 和室为居室的中心,当跃上台阶,倾身屈膝跪坐,心情思绪随身体的动作逐渐缓和平静,双腿感受着迭席编织而成的纹理。当灯光渐渐亮起,一切准备就绪。不论工作阅读、发呆放空、坐着、卧着,所有的事情都因为这步步程序而成为一种生活仪式。 侯孝贤曾说:「生命中有许多吉光片羽,无从名之,也不能构成什么重要意义,但它们就是在我心中萦绕不去。」尽管对旁人来说多么的渺小、多么的微不足道,当生活被赋予仪式,那任何小事都瞬间有了它的意义。
The entryway is a relay station. You are in the entrance can see the front line of the kitchen and living room, or step forward to the private bedroom, or turn to the Japanese room. A giant old piece of wood serves as a buoy for a temporary rest. Every time step into the fairyland from the secular world, You can get rid of the external things and let go of the worries and distractions with a swipe of hands. The Japanese-style room is the center of the residence. When jumping up steps, bending knees and kneeling, your mood and thoughts will gradually ease and calm with the movement of your body,your legs feel the texture woven with the laminated mat. When the light gradually lights up, and everything is ready. Whether working, reading, being absent-minded, sitting, or lying, everything becomes a ceremony of live because of this step-by-step process. Hsiao-hsien Hou once said, "There are many Yoshimitsu Kataba in life, which I cannot name or constitute any significant meaning to them. However, they linger in my heart." Although small and insignificant to others, When life is given ritual, Then every little thing instantly has its meaning.