the Souffle SPA
the Souffle SPA
  • 城市 : 中国深圳   City : shenzhen, China
  • 面积 : 200平方米   Area : 200㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-09-01    Completion Date : 2022-09-01
  • 设计师 : 王盛   Designer : Sheng Wang
  • 摄影 : 云眠工作室   Photographer : yuuuunstudio
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 异规设计   Official Name : Informal Design
  • 官网/公众号 :
the Souffle SPA  the Souffle SPA
the Souffle是一家专注皮肤管理体的高端美容会所,品牌全新概念旗舰店落位深圳前海。the Souffle希望在拥挤聒噪的都市⾥,创造⼀个有温度的流动空间,抚慰都市⾥每⽇匆忙路过的疲惫⼼灵,⼀个家以外的灵感诞⽣地,唤醒⾃愈能⼒。这⾥承载着⽣活⾥的⾃我闪光时刻,每⼀个来到Souffle感受⽣活是美好闪光、流动⾃愈的,安⼼释放⽣活上的⾃我情绪,找到疗愈⽣活⽅式的起点。
The Souffle is a high-end beauty club focusing on skin management. Its flagship store with new brand concept is located in Qianhai, Shenzhen. The Souffle hopes to create a flowing space with warmth in the crowded and noisy city, soothing the tired souls that rush by every day in the city. It is a birthplace of inspiration outside of home and arouses the ability of self-healing.This place carries the moments of self-shining in life. Everyone who comes to Souffle feels that life is beautiful, shining, flowing and self-healing. They can release their self-emotions in life at ease and find the starting point of healing lifestyle.