S-GAME Office
  • 城市 : 北京   City : Beijing
  • 面积 : 1500平方米   Area : 1500 square meters
  • 完成日期 : 2022-07-31    Completion Date : 2022-07-31
  • 设计师 : 阮昊、来震宇、张秋艳、赵一凡、柯安然   Designer : RUAN Hao, LAI Zhenyu、Zhang Qiuyan、Zhao Yifan、Ke An
  • 摄影 : 朱雨蒙、刘康仁   Photographer : Yumeng Zhu、Kangren Liu
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 零壹城市建筑事务所   Official Name : LYCS Architecture
  • 官网/公众号 : https://www.lycs-arc.com/ / 零壹城市建筑事务所   Website/Official Accounts : https://en.lycs-arc.com/ / LYCS Architecture
S-GAME Office  灵游坊办公总部
零壹城市为《影之刃》系列手游背后团队灵游坊网络科技设计打造的办公总部位于北京中关村,总面积约为1500 平方米。办公空间设计是公司企业文化的外部表现,如何在满足办公空间的功能同时完美诠释灵游坊对游戏文化的理解?游戏世界的造梦者究竟需要一座怎样的办公空间?是我们在设计时一直在考虑的问题。 灵游坊是中国顶尖的移动游戏及原创IP内容研发商,他们的《影之刃》系列手游常年霸榜IOS畅销榜前十。我们从《影之刃》的游戏背景世界中吸取灵感,决定将游戏造梦者编织的梦境实体化,以“魅影之环” 为概念,用这股能量冲击物理世界,打造一座自带现实扭曲力场的沉浸式办公空间。 整体个空间以黑色为基底展开,不同灰度与媒介的黑色给空间以丰富的质感及层次感,空间感似乎无限延申,身处其中恍惚间好似踏入了影境的游戏世界。随处可见暖木色调的树型生长体,流动的造型勾勒出简洁而有力的线条感,层叠的切片边缘用银白色铝板包裹,是想象中能量场被入侵扰动后瞬间凝固的具象表达。每个能量体下都自然的形成会议室、接待区、洽谈区、水吧区等聚集性空间。推开“S”字样的定制门把手,就像打开了通往异世界的大门,位于办公室尽端的总裁办公室,由完全纯净的白色构成。银色地毯,银色桌椅,银色金属屋顶,自由的曲线由地面延申至整个空间。灵游坊办公总部是我们所进行的一次一气呵成、酣畅淋漓、由外至内精雕细琢的创作,从室内使用的每一块板材,到座椅,笔筒都是根据设计需求一一进行定制。
LYCS Architecture was commissioned by S-Game, a leading Chinese independent gaming company famous for their "Phantom Blade" mobile game series, to design their headquarters in Zhongguancun science park, Beijing. When designing S-GAME Office, the design team challenged themselves to create an office space that reflects S-GAME's spirit of their game culture while also meeting its functional requirements and company growth. S-GAME is a top mobile game and original IP content developer in China, known for their IOS top-10 best-selling "Phantom Blade" series. The design inspiration originated from the game design team as dream weavers and the world they created. The designer aimed to materialize the dreamy effects and to create an immersive office space with a sense of attenuation of space. Using different levels of darkness, the designer created a rich texture and a sense of layering that extends infinitely, like stepping into a world of shadows. Warm wood tones in tree-shaped canopy structures add clean and powerful curves to the space. The stacking layers with silver-white aluminum panels as sliced edges express the special moment as if an imagined energy field is being disturbed. These canopy structures naturally formed gathering spaces, such as meeting rooms, reception, discussion, and recreational areas. The CEO's office is located at the end of the office corridor. It is composed entirely of pure white and silver. The 'S' symbol on the customized doorknob makes the entry to the office feel like stepping into a different world. Silver carpets, desks, chairs, metal roofs, and free-flowing curves extend throughout the space. The design was delicately crafted with every piece of paneling, every seat, pen holder used in the interior to create a seamless and exhilarating creation known as the S-GAME Office.