  • 城市 : 上海   City : SHANGHAI
  • 面积 : 1087平   Area : 1087
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-30    Completion Date : 2021-06-30
  • 设计师 : 吴刚 Jerry Wu   Designer : JERRY WU
  • 摄影 : 胡文杰   Photographer : WENKIT HU
  • 官网/公众号 : 万景百年室内设计   Website/Official Accounts : INTERSCAPE DESIGN ASSOCIATES
上海虹桥祥源希尔顿酒店由万景百年执笔改造,坐落于虹桥古北,开业至今已十年有余。酒店自投入使用以来,其中的许多设施及布局已老化,改造升级刻不容缓。如何将摩登的城市气质与当下新潮的消费趋势、年轻的消费者观念相结合,是我们作为改造的设计方思考的核心。入口接待处予人的第一视觉观感,颇有西方老电影的复古质感。设计师以绿色水磨石拼花地面呼应精致的墙纸,叙写别具一格的摩登风潮。经入口向右来到休闲区,此间透过结构独特的窗框,毫无违和感地将户外景致引入室内,同时让人们的视线自然落在内与外的融合、对比中 —— 休闲的木桌、藤编的座椅、盎然的绿植在阳光的照耀下,共同烘托出精致的城市度假氛围。选用儿时记忆的老上海图案和材质,老花玻璃隔断、拼花水磨石地面、藤编单椅和现代金属线条相互碰撞,彰显老上海的摩登意蕴,繁华中亦有静谧。共享空间作为Z世代不可或缺的个性场域,也纳入到空间布局中。设计师以可开可合的移动隔断,作为分隔各个区域的重要介质,运用到空间各个过渡点,不仅营造了开放共享的宽敞环境,又能拆分为一个个举办商务会务、小型沙龙等活动的独立私密空间。
Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao, renovated by InterScape Design Associates nested in Gubei Hongqiao has been receiving guests for over a decade. Walking across the lanes and sauntering in Shikumen you can experience Shanghai lifestyle and with the neon lights shining the prosperous and modern metropolis comes into view. Renovated Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao captures the present and past of Shanghai and interprets the city’s modern and fashion side to the best. The designer uses green patterned terrazzo and Old patterned glass partition, woven rattan chairs and modern metal lines collide with each other, displaying the modern side of the old Shanghai The designer puts forward a revolutionary plan for the Executive Lounge renovation and breaks the tradition of opening it only to the Executive Guestroom guests. The designer uses movable partitions that can be both opened and closed as the important medium to separate different spaces at each space transition. Not only can they create a wide open and shared environment but also they are able to enclose into independent private spaces to hold business meetings, small saloons and other events. While keeping its previous functions which are business meeting and food provision, the renovated Executive Lounge also adds such diverse application scenarios as small saloon, afternoon tea, private phone booth, semi-private meeting area and DIY drinks mixing party and opens also to external guests. The designer gives the space conversion value in operation from the perspective of business logic to improve hotel revenue and achieve sustainable operation.