  • 城市 : 浙江-台州   City : Zhejiang-Taizhou
  • 面积 : 200
  • 完成日期 : 2022-10-15    Completion Date : 2022-10-15
  • 设计师 : 王贤概   Designer : Wang Xiangai
  • 摄影 : 吴昌乐   Photographer : Wu Changle
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 璞素空间设计   Official Name : Spatial design of Pu element
  • 官网/公众号 : 璞素空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : Spatial design of Pu element
Puju  朴居
户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。 东方的传统审美倾向于构筑精神世界的净土,在物欲中取舍,衡量存在于居所中的必要选择,以此,奠定空间质朴守拙的调性。 大地 | 以生长之姿 当空间语言被赋予沉静安稳的意义,所有存在的出现都将为其服务。 我们用想象模拟人在空间中居住的状态,从而落笔于生活化的轨迹中,当时代前行的脚步与自然的归属背道而驰,我们在内心造一处面向大地的归处。 木与皮革,同样温厚的质感形成空间质朴、自然且有力量的氛围,而柔软的布艺,则中和了其厚重的韵味,或是翩跹以纱帘,或者燥润如地毯,层次分明地冲击着感官。 空间并没有因为“拙气”而显得无聊,得益于设计师对于材质搭配与细节诠释的打磨,自然地在现代生活方式中纳入东方的审美趣味,构建出合理的秩序感。 木条块体的穿插,弱化梁柱的结构,同时引申出备餐空间的雏形。 木条如树木的枝桠交错于空间内,灯光的置入如同夜晚森林中的琳琳萤火,关于自然的联想化解敞开式空间的沉闷,轻盈的灵动感跃然纸上。 明月 | 待归的情绪语言 设计对于空间的取舍,凝练于屋主对生活方式的选择。我们铺陈质朴温厚的大地色系,迂回地将人的心境引向平静的叙事场域。 随地面的抬高,框出不同的界域,但同时茶室的两侧,无论是临近餐厅还是靠近客厅的部分,都采用格栅的移门引起视线的延伸,保持着隐秘而有趣的通达意境,阳光淌入,划下明暗相错的交界,明亮张扬与阴翳丛生,皆是空间寓意而为的设计语言。 光际 | 包容的情感表达 主卧隐藏于客厅后方,延续大地色系的主题风格,同时享受独立的更衣区与内卫。 敞开时可融入公区,使家人的生活轨迹,交织于同一平面内。闭合时亦可成为相对私密的起居空间。 在信息爆炸的时代,低物欲的人文空间让我们开始重新审视自我,而不是这个斑驳陆离的城市。 在夜晚点起一盏灯火,待亲人归家,享即时之安,也算是在这个忙碌的时代里,辟下的一处与世隔绝的净土。
The courtyard is clean and tidy, while the empty room has leisure. The traditional aesthetic of the East tends to construct a pure land of the spiritual world, choosing between material desires and measuring the necessary choices that exist in the dwelling, thereby laying the foundation for a simple and conservative tone of space. The earth | in the posture of growth When spatial language is given a sense of tranquility and stability, all appearances of existence will serve it. We use imagination to simulate the state of human habitation in space, and thus write in the trajectory of daily life. When the pace of the times goes against the belonging of nature, we create a home facing the earth in our hearts. Wood and leather, with the same warm texture, create a simple, natural, and powerful atmosphere in the space, while the soft fabric neutralizes its heavy charm, either gracefully with gauze curtains or as dry as a carpet, striking the senses with distinct layers. The space does not appear boring due to its clumsiness. Thanks to the designer's polishing of material combinations and detailed interpretations, it naturally incorporates Eastern aesthetic taste into modern lifestyles, creating a reasonable sense of order. The interweaving of wooden blocks weakens the structure of beams and columns, while also extending the prototype of meal preparation space. The branches of wood are intertwined in the space like trees, and the placement of lights is like the fireflies in the forest at night. The association with nature dissolves the dullness of open spaces, and the light and dynamic feeling jumps onto the paper. Bright Moon | The Emotional Language of Waiting to Return The choice of space in design is condensed into the homeowner's choice of lifestyle. We lay out the simple and gentle colors of the earth, circuitously guiding people's emotions towards a peaceful narrative field. As the ground rises, different boundaries are framed, but at the same time, both sides of the tea room, whether adjacent to the dining room or the living room, use sliding doors with grilles to extend the view, maintaining a hidden and interesting atmosphere of communication. The sunlight flows in, marking the intersection of light and dark, bright and sunny, and the design language of space symbolism. Light | Inclusive emotional expression The master bedroom is hidden behind the living room, continuing the theme style of earth color, while enjoying a separate dressing area and interior. When open, it can integrate into the public area, interweaving the life trajectory of family members in the same plane. When closed, it can also become a relatively private living space. In the era of information explosion, the low materialistic humanistic space has prompted us to re-examine ourselves, rather than this fragmented city. Lighting a light at night, waiting for loved ones to return home and enjoy instant peace, can also be considered a secluded pure land in this busy era.