Blue Bottle Zhang Yuan Cafe
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 175平方米   Area : 175 sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2022-11-25    Completion Date : 2022-11-25
  • 设计师 : 郭锡恩,胡如珊   Designer : Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu
  • 摄影 : 朱润资   Photographer : Zhu Runzi
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 如恩设计研究室   Official Name : Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
  • 官网/公众号 :
Blue Bottle Zhang Yuan Cafe  蓝瓶咖啡张园店
2022年,在张园修缮后重新向公众开放之际,蓝瓶咖啡邀请如恩在石库门老宅中,打造出一个以咖啡为对话媒介、融合沪上生活方式的当代社群空间。上海的里弄,阡陌纵横。而生活在其间的人们,总是能在这享受片刻闲暇。如恩希望通过设计,捕捉城市的脉络与肌理,为当地居民与往来旅客编织一段叙事之旅。 如恩回溯建筑的本源,在室内置入了一个原始的屋舍。这个简易的“庇护所”作为动线的交汇之处、空间的视觉焦点,是咖啡师精心调制饮品的吧台区域。屋舍与建筑砖墙之间的带状空间,宛如一条室内里弄,将主空间与天井连接起来。在其间,放置三两长椅,几件小桌,倚窗而坐,仿佛回到了旧日里的石库门生活。 为了与既有建筑的历史肌理形成对比,如恩对屋舍的结构与构造节点进行了反复的研究与推敲,使其尽可能的轻盈。屋架通体采用和纹不锈钢,屋面则是由穿孔弯折钢板制成。这些材料微妙且模糊地反映了周围的环境。旧时,居民们会在建筑立面上搭建简易的构件,将私人空间延伸至里弄中。如恩受此启发,将建筑中原有的结构柱以金属杆件稍作连接,实现了灯轨、边桌、长椅和展示陈列等功能。店内除了品牌家具以外,还精心添置了的传统老家具。岁月留下的痕迹,也为这间新旧交融的蓝瓶咖啡带来了一份暖意。
In 2022, as Zhang Yuan reopens to the public after a complete rehabilitation of its historic buildings, Neri&Hu was commissioned by Blue Bottle to create a retail space in one of the old Shikumen typology residences. Within this vast network of alleys, people would go about in their daily hustle and bustle, but Shanghainese could always appreciate a moment of leisure. Neri&Hu hopes to capture the spirit of the local urban fabric and weave a narrative journey for both locals and visitors to appreciate. A primitive shelter, symbolizing a return to the origin of architecture, is erected in the center of the space; it is where coffee is prepared and served, and forms the visual and circulatory focal point of the project. Along the exterior wall of the old building, an elongated space connects the main street to the atriums. This alley-like space within the building accommodates several benches and small tables against windows and walls, a nod to the leisurely social moments of life in the Shikumen. To contrast with the heavy palette of the existing architecture, Neri&Hu studied the structure and its tectonic joinery, to make it as light as possible. The roof structure is built with brushed stainless steel while the roof surface is made of perforated and bent steel, materials that reflect the surroundings in a subtle and fuzzy manner. Neri&Hu was inspired by the informal construction and simple attachments that people once used to extend their private spaces into alleys, the existing structural columns are thus commandeered with added metal rods and small platforms to function as light rails, side tables, benches, and object displays. The project features a selection of repurposed traditional old furniture, on which traces of time bestow a sense of warmth and familiarity, merging old and new, Blue Bottle and Shanghai.