J.K.K Apartment
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 120m²
  • 完成日期 : 2023-01-20    Completion Date : 2023-01-20
  • 设计师 : Lucas Lu
  • 摄影 : Kasa&Sama Design
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : Kasa&Sama Design
  • 官网/公众号 : http://www.kasasama.design/
J.K.K Apartment  燃焜公寓
步入浓雾弥漫的野地,随之而来的是一场直面隐秘之物的凝思。 燃焜公寓(J.K.K.公寓)建于1935年,作为优秀历史建筑之一,坐落在上海最具文化代表的核心城区。Kasa&Sama提取了建筑外立面和扶梯内饰的纹样作为设计元素,延续了古典的浪漫氛围。室内裸露的橙色顶梁被保留,展现出原始质感。前厅“陷落”的休憩区宛如水中之月,成为“故事”的轴心,中轴对称的设计让整个一层呈现出粗粝与浓郁的基调,一种神秘的仪式感。二层阁楼则以低饱和色系和现代装饰为特点,带来更轻松的休憩氛围。
Step into the misty wilderness. What follows is a reflection on the mysterious unknown. J.K.K. Apartment was constructed in 1935 and is one of the outstanding historical buildings in the core of Shanghai's most culturally diverse district.Kasa&Sama extracted the patterns on the building's facade and escalator interior as design elements, continuing the classical romantic atmosphere. The exposed orange ceiling beams in the space have been retained, showing the original texture. The "slumped" rest area in the front hall is like the moon in the water, becoming the axis of the "story". The symmetrical design of the central axis gives the entire first floor a rough and rich tone, a mysterious sense of ritual. The second-floor loft is characterized by low-saturated colors and modern decoration, bringing a more relaxed relaxing atmosphere.